Chapter 7 - Transitions, births and more twins
While Estarr (gen 2-knowledge-age 48) was awaiting her third child, she and Chandler (age 46- fortune) had some work done on the house. Chandler owned his own landscaping businees and had considerable savings. With that and the insurance from Korey's death, they were able to fix up the house quite nicely.

A new dining room provided a lovely setting for family meals as well as entertaining.

Estarr's pregnancy was a tranquil one and in the wee hours of a lovely spring morning she produced a son for Chandler. He had his father's light skin and green eyes but otherwise looked like his mother and was the only one of Hester's grandchildren to have the alien nose.

They named him Chalmer and within a few short weeks Estarr was pregnant again. She hadn't really wanted another pregnancy at her age, but Chandler wanted another child so Estarr thought it best to get it done quickly before she got too old. Oh, well, she did manage to promote to executive chef before she got pregnant with Chalmer. So she had a great job to go back to. This pregnancy was a lot rougher than the previous one but she did manage to throw a party for daughter Bethesda's third transition.

In the presence of grandmother, aunts, uncle and cousins, Bethesda transformed into a very lovely teen. (gen 3-romance.) Stepfather Chandler did all the honors of the evening as Estarr had to go back to bed as soon as she had a bite to eat.

The rest of the pregnancy was a struggle for Estarr. She could never get her needs adequately taken care of in order to meditate. And couldn't get her aspiration bar high enough to use the energiser. But she struggled along until time for Jeekobey to have his fourth transition. Jeekobey (gen 3-romance) wanted to throw his own party so invited several of his cousins and friends over. However he put off the cake ritual a little too long and transitioned to adult before he could blow out the candles.

He got himself some spiffy new clothes for the occasion. He had a yen to be a professional man.

Jeekobey had had a really long adolescence. He had never gotten a job and despite being of a romantic disposition had never had his first kiss. But he managed it tonight. That was the highlight of his evening and as far as he was concerned made the party a success though everyone else considered it a disaster.

To top it off, Estarr went into labor just after everyone left the party and in a very short time produced another son. He looked just like his father.

Estarr barely had time to hand the baby to Chandler when the pangs hit again. In no more time than it took to spin around a baby girl appeared. She also had red hair, but had her grandpa Abhijeets' medium skin and the alien heritage brown eyes.
The boy was named Calder and the girl Carissa. Both older children gathered close to welcome the new additions though they weren't entirely sure they approved. Their mother really was getting kind of old for this.
Jeekobey decided to embark on a career as a psychologist. He liked wearing a suit to work. And perhaps someday he could be a psychiatrist like Dr. Shrink. But to be a psychologist you have to go to college so he got a parttime job while he went to school.
Just a few weeks after the twins birth it was time for Chalmer's first transition. Just a small family gathering to celebrate.

Note the almost non-existent nose
Despite not having much nose, he made a cute toddler. He has Mom's black hair and Dad's green eyes.

Now Estarr felt she had been off work long enough. She missed cooking fancy recipes for masses of people. So any day that someone else could be at home with the babies she went to work. At home she practiced making new recipes and did a lot of sampling of her own cooking. With the expected result for her figure.

Chandler looked forward to taking care of the babies when he was home. He treasured these days and was sorry that there would be no more. But that was the penalty of waiting till your middle years to marry.

Time to sit back now and enjoy those middle years. Watch the kids grow up and the hard work of years pay off. Right? Right. If fate does not decree otherwise.
Will Chandler and Estarr be able to settle comfortably into middle age? Will Jeekobey and Bethesda be able to romance successfully? What is in store for the young Platzes? Stay tuned to All My SimChildren to find out.
next episode: Politics and Romance and the results of combining them. (No, it's not about Clinton and Lewinsky LOL)
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Chapter 6 - Pendillis finds new love
Following BJs death, Pendillis (gen 2 -knowledge- age 46) had a nervous breakdown. She required emergency care from Dr. Shrink and several therapy sessions with Professor Von Ball before she was able to cope with everyday life again. He recommended painting for its therapeutic value so she went back to the hobby that had given her so much pleasure over the years and reached her 8th skill point.

Some of Pendillis's paintings
BJ died in the front hall and his urn rested there for a day while several family members took time to mourn. Then it was moved to a place of honor on a lovely new desk in the future dining room. At 5AM the next morning BJs ghost appeared in the hall where his urn had been.

He just stood there, erect and motionless, staring straight ahead until 5PM. Yes, throughout the daylight hours. Just standing and staring. And he was totally bald! As various family members walked through the hall that day, they would turn and look toward him, as if they sensed his presense, but gave no other sign of seeing him. At 5 PM most of the children were gathered in the front room along with several friends, watching TV and socializing after school. Suddenly BJ dropped his head into his hands and began sobbing silently.

He cried for several minutes then wiped his eyes,

straightened his shoulders and started walking toward the front room with a big smile on his face. He was walking more erect than he had been able to for years.

Suddenly he stopped and lost the smile. Then he started floating instead of walking and turned and floated upstairs. This was still broad daylight. He floated into the bedroom and jumped into his bed and screamed several times.

Then he floated into the exercise room where he had had his 'stroke'. Floated around second floor a while, returning twice to the exercise room then back downstairs. He then floated into the dining room and jumped into his urn. About 6:30 PM. No one saw him.
When Pendillis's life-long friend, Cleve Wilson (popularity - also age 46), heard of her loss a few weeks later, he came by to offer his condolences and a shoulder to cry on. It was the first time he had had his arms around her since they were high school sweethearts and it brought all his former feelings for her surging to the surface.

But he knew it was no time to tell her of them, so he merely offered to stick around a few days to help out with anything she needed. He was currently on leave from the military and didn't have any real home of his own so he said it would help him out too. And he didn't mind sleeping on the couch. A lot more comfortable than a military cot or bedroll on the ground. So she agreed and Cleve was a big help in getting the family organized again. He also started making friends with the kids. Without mentioning anything to the family, Cleve put in for a transfer to a local posting so that when his leave was up he would be able to stay in Heritage. When it came through, he pretended to be surprised and asked if they minded him staying around a while longer, until he could find a place of his own since the military did not provide lodgings in Heritage. The family all assured him that he could stay as long as he wanted. Over the next months they all came to depend on him, especially Pendillis. Thus encouraged, Cleve went shopping and picked out a ring. The next morning, after all the kids were gone to school and Bertillis still in bed, Cleve cornered Pendillis in the kitchen, dropped to his knees, declared his love for her and proposed.

Pendillis was so shocked that at first she was speechless then she refused him vehemently and ran off to her room.

Cleve collapsed on the floor in tears and totally out of it....

and Dr. Shrink had to make another emergency call.

Cleve later had a session with his Cup Buddy for further therapy.

Pendillis thought about it all day and wished she had not been so harsh with Cleve. She loved him as a friend but that was all yet she didn't have to hurt his feelings like she had. That evening after the kids were in bed and the house quiet again, she went to Cleve and apologized, trying to explain her feelings.

He assured her he understood and gave her a hug which was a little tighter and lasted a little longer than he had intended and brought his smoldering feelings to flame again. Then he gave her a tender little kiss...

and when she did not pull away he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her deeply. Pendillis on her part found passions awakened in her that she had thought cooled long ago. She had loved BJ deeply but after all he had always been more than 20 years her senior. So she responded to Cleve's kiss and they were soon making out ardently. It was only a few steps up the stairs to her bed where she experienced a passion never known to her before.

The next morning Cleve left for work without awakening Pendillis but planning to renew his offer of marriage as soon as he got home.

Meanwhile since her father's death and her transition to adulthood, Bertillis (gen 3-romance - age 22) had been pursuing her own hobby. Men. She spent much of each day at the Mall or the park seeing who she might run into. Several times she had brought a man home with her but Pendillis had made it plain to her that all such guests had to remain downstairs. Well, since her daughter, Cosetta, shared her bed, she couldn't very well take her friends to her room anyway. She was working as a 'reseller'. (Rummaging through dumpsters for good stuff other people had thrown away then reselling it.) She met quite a few people at her little booth at the flea market. Early the next morning after Pendillis and Cleve's romantic encounter, Bertillis finalized arrangements for a place of her own to live. She had told no one but her mother that she wanted to leave and only now that she was ready to go told her siblings what she was about to do. She told Janeesis, "Cosetta will be better off here with you and Mom than with me."

Bertiillis found a place of her own.
Since it was a Saturday all the kids were at home to say goodby to her when she left. Cosetta was puzzled but not bereft. She did not feel deserted as Pendillis and Janeesis had been more mother to her than Bertillis had. Bertillis didn't give any special attention to Cosetta when she said goodby, but then she never had.

Cosetta watches her mother leave.
The other kids were all too involved with their own lives and plans to care much that Bertillis was leaving.

When Pendillis awoke that morning she couldn't believe what had happened the night before. And also couldn't believe how good she felt and how happy that it had happened. She stretched luxuriously as she got out of bed, feeling like a girl again. She looked forward to Cleve returning home that evening and wondered what the future held in store for them.
Will Cleve propose again? Will Pendillis accept this time? How would the kids feel about that? Stay tuned for the next chapter of All My SimChildren.
Next episode: Transitions, births and more twins
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Chapter 5 - Hester's laments and an abduction
The Genester home was very quiet after the death of Abhijeet and the departure of Genesis, Robi and Soressa. A house designed to house a large family seems pretty empty with only four.

Hester surveyed her home with quiet pride as she thought about the things she had accomplished in nearly 60 years on this planet. She was nearly 80 now and had slowed down a lot in the romance department. She still thought about it all the time and spent a lot of time on the phone with various male acquaintances but physically she was slowing down. Only two new lovers in the years since Abhijeet died, bringing her total to 12. A long way from her youthful dream of 20 lovers but still a sizeable accomplishment.

Hester's lovers and her age when she acquired them
She was quite satisfied with her latest. She had always considered her sons-in-law off limits, no matter how attractive they were, as she valued her relationships with her daughters more highly than any particular dalliance. But she had had a hard time keeping her hands off Robi Charvat all those years he lived in the house. He was so darn handsome. But once Genesis and Robi separated, she had considered him fair game. It didn't take much persuasion to get him to pose for a painting and from there to the hot tub didn't take so very long. Now he was a fairly frequent visitor.

And she wasn't dead yet. There was still time to get in a few more. But it did seem like all that was left in the neighborhood anymore was boys. Well at her age most of them SEEMED like boys regardless of what their actual age was. (Ah well, she sighed and went back to her painting.)
Hester had been more interested lately in cementing her ties with her descendents and had all her children over for dinner at various times. She wanted to get to know her grandchildren better also. She had 18 of them now and likely to be a few more. With three babies in her house Estarr said she wasn't about to have any more, but Genesis and Pendillis were still fertile and Opalessa was only 25 and still single so there were lots of opportunities yet. Then there were her three great-grandchildren and another very special one on the way. She looked forward to that next birth with great anticipation. It would be Kester's third child and it would be unique.

Hester and first great-grandchild Prester
Kester (gen3-knowledge-age 24) had finished medical school and completed his internship in record time and was poised to complete his residency as quickly. But fate intervened. Every day on arriving home from work, Kester made sure he spent a little time playing with and teaching Prester. The little fellow was so smart, he seemed to absorb learning like a sponge.

Kester plays with Prester while Kaylynn waits despairingly for attention.
Kester had not wanted to have another child until Prester was older but finally gave in to Kaylynn's pleading. He hoped that another baby might snap her out of the depression she has been in since Prester's birth. At least she would not have to compete with his mother for time with the baby.

Kaylynn gets pregnant
But Kaylynn just didn't seem to understand that with his work, studies and responsibility of being a father that he just couldn't spend as much time dancing attendence on her as she wanted. There were just not enough hours in the day. Kester had pretty much given up sleep as it was, using the Energizer to keep him going. He knew it could be addictive and that if he used it too much he might crash and burn but he had to get more time some way. He had been working and studying during the day and had taken up stargazing at night since Robi left his big telescope at the house. The very first night that he used the telescope he saw the fabled two moons and a host of shooting stars.

That was quite exciting and encouraged Kester to continue. Every night after had been a marvel of enlightenment. So many stars, so much beauty.

Kaylynn meanwhile, pregnant again, was much more content. She didn't mind his absence from their bed as much as she got bigger and bigger. She really rested better when she was in bed alone.
Kester had to miss a night of stargazing for Prester's second birthday but the special time with his son was worth it. After the transition they had fun playing indoor golf together.

Then later Kester tucked Prester into bed thinking how quickly he was growing up. He was glad now that he had given in to Kaylynn's pleading for another child. It would be nice having another baby.

Then three nights later, the unbelievable happened. At 9:55, while engrossed in his gazing he heard a strange, high-pitched humming. When he looked up, he saw a huge, terrifying shape looming above him.

Then a beam of light flashed from the shape and focused on him and he felt himself being lifted from the floor. He grabbed hold of the telescope which was bolted down and hung on for dear life ....

but the beam kept pulling him harder and harder until he felt his arms would be pulled from their sockets and he had to let go. As he flashed upwards his last sight was of his wife and son standing on the deck below. They too had heard the strange sound and run upstairs to see what was happening. They reached the observation deck just in time to hear his screams of terror and see him disappear into the maw of a strange flying object.

Hester, awakened from sleep by the noise, missed the sight. Her old legs could just not get her up the stairs in time. After crying for a while, Prester had to go to bed, exhausted from all the excitement. Hester and Kaylynn kept vigil, wandering from room to room, occasionally going outside to look at the sky, wondering if they would ever see Kester again. Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, they heard the humming sound again.

They rushed out the front door in time to see the flying object whir lower and lower. A hole gaped open in the side of the machine and a bright light appeared, thrusting a body onto the ground. It was Kester who lay there unmoving.

As the women ran toward him he began to rise shakily to his feet, hurting in every part of his body.

He looked back over his shoulder at the ship above him as its humming sound reached a crescendo.

Kester managed to stand erect and watch as the ship zipped into oblivion.

Kaylynn reached Kester and threw her arms around him, sobbing with relief. As she helped Kester make his unsteady way into the house Hester stayed behind to stare at the sky where the ship had disappeared. She had never expected to see one of those again since one brought her here so many years before. She stood there for a long time then burst out laughing, then finally went back into the house and to bed.

Meanwhile Kester and Kaylynn had both gone to bed exhausted also. They were all still sleeping when Prester awoke. The first thing Prester thought of was his father and he ran to his parents' bedroom. He was so relieved to see his father there asleep. He had thought he would never see Dad again. He was so happy that he got himself ready for school and on the bus without waking anyone else up.
A couple of hours later the adults were up too and going about the business of the day when Kaylynn went into labor. With only Hester, Kester and the gardener and repairman to welcome the new baby into the world it was a big difference from the hoard of people present when Prester was born.

This baby too proved to be a boy. They decided on the name Brewster for him. He had Kester's red hair and Kaylynn's green eyes.

Kester had no sooner greeted his new son than he had to flee the room due to an overwhelming urge to vomit. He spent some time hanging over the toilet wondering what could have caused this. Could he have been infected with some disease while on that ship? His memories of the experience were very hazy. He didn't really know what all they did to him other than some of it was very painful while others were very pleasurable.

He didn't want to infect the family with some alien disease so he went down into the basement and turned on the Biotech lab. He made up and consumed several batches of medicine until he thought he had covered any possible infections.
The next weeks went more or less normally. Although Kester continued to feel strange and sometimes queasy at times he was able to begin his residency. Kester was a little fearful of doing any more stargazing although he had a sneaking desire to see the aliens again. And he found that he usually didn't feel well enough to use the energizer anyway. So most nights he went to bed early which made Kaylynn happy too since she was no longer uncomfortable with pregnancy.
One night Kester was awakened by strange sensations in his belly. It felt like something was moving in there!! And his abdomen had begun to swell! It almost looked like he was pregnant! Omigosh!

He had heard of such things but thought that was all tabloid fiction. What was he to do? First he got on the internet and researched everything he could find on male pregnancies. Yep, his symptoms matched. When Kaylynn and Hester awoke he discussed his predicament with them, then called the hospital and talked with the Chief of Staff. The CoS put him on "maternity" leave on condition that he submit himself for study. This would be the first male pregnancy in the Heritage area and the scientists and doctors all wanted to study him. Well, all for the good of increasing knowledge.

Hester was secretly quite gleeful. She had known when Kester returned from the alien ship what the likely outcome would be. After all, that was the kind of work she used to be engaged in. But she kept her knowledge to herself for the time being. Now though she was able to quietly give Kester some needed reassurance and counseling.
Kaylynn on the other hand was quite disturbed at the news. She was still depressed even after the birth of Brewster and was already wanting to have another child herself. It wasn't that she really wanted another child right now but she was already 42 and her clock was ticking. She didn't have much time left to have the large family she had always wanted. But that wasn't her real problem. What she wanted mostly was more time with Kester. They hardly ever talked because he was always so busy with some research project or another. And teaching Prester. He never wanted to spend time dancing or watching tv or playing with her. He was ardent enough in bed although he didn't often take the time. Though things were better in that area since the abduction.

Kaylynn had broached the subject of a third child with Kester and was surprised when he readily acquiesed.

But she found that having her husband pregnant with an alien child was a bit of a turnoff. She tried pretending that he was just getting fat and never went so far as to turn away from him but she did stop soliciting his attentions like she had been doing ever since they married. She began having nightmares about the alien creature growing within him and found herself having very strange thoughts and fantasies when awake. She felt as though she were walking along the edge of some deep abyss in fog so thick she could not see the ground in front of her. Could she pass through this fog safely or would she plunge into the abyss?
Will Kaylynn plunge into the abyss? Will the alien child be as special as Hester envisions it to be? Will Kester ever see aliens again? Will he manage to complete his residency or will he give up medicine and become an astronomer? Stay tuned for more drama among All My SimChildren.
Next episode: Pendillis finds new love.
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