Chapter 27 Almost a Triple Wedding
The Ryan-Genester clan was having weddings right and left. The first occurred at #12 Legacy Drive, home of Janeesis (gen 3-knowledge) Ryan-Genester and Jonathan (family)Ternynck. (last visited in chapter 22)
Though they had wanted a big, fancy, formal wedding at a wedding chapel somewhere, the impending arrival of their first child decided the young couple to settle for a less pretentious ceremony. They rented a wedding arch and set it up in their front yard, then invited as many of Janeesis's family as could come. The ceremony was simple but touching

And unadulterated love shone in the couples' faces.

The guests were all happy, though a variety of expressions appears on their faces. Mother Pendillis looks very satisfied to have a child married. Some of the siblings look as though they might be thinking of their forthcoming nuptials though none of them were yet formally engaged at this point. But it was a happy occasion for all.

As soon as the ceremony was over Janeesis had to make a mad dash for the toilet. Perhaps all the stress caused it? Not likely. She had been having morning sickness for days.

As soon as she was recovered the happy couple posed for a wedding portrait.

Sister Bertillis had not yet completely recovered from the birth of her twins at this time. She was still having bouts of melancholy that could only be alleviated by a little romancing. Even if only an effigy.

The refreshments had been eaten and all the congratulations said when Janeesis spotted the honeymoon limousine coming. She immediately ran out into the street to make sure it stopped at the right place.

As soon as the vehicle stopped they scrambled to see who could get inside first. Wow, they are really anxious to go.

After a lovely honeymoon, they are finally home again.
"Welcome home, Mrs. Ternynck"
It's been a long eventful day. Time to relax for a while and dream of the future.

Some months later, their future arrives. They name her Jasellis, following the ancient Simmish tradition of using components of grandparents names to make a brand new name for the baby. The grandparents so honored were Pendillis and Bartholomew Jasper (BJ) Ryan-Genester.

at #2 Heritage Trail - home of Pendillis(gen 2-knowledge) and Cleve (popularity) Wilson (last seen in chapter 22)
During the months between Janeesis's wedding and the birth of Jasellis many events transpired at the family home.
The first event of significance was Chester's proposing to Maura Simpson.

Then with Pendillis's assistance, they talked Maura into moving in with the family, putting a third bed in the girls' room for her. Not long after their engagement, Vesta was invited to the adult transition party for her boyfriend Acanthus Baxter. They had been in love for a long time but Acanthus refused to make any formal commitments until he was in a position to support her. He wasn't about to have anyone in either his family or hers say he was having his brother support his wife.

But as soon as the confetti settled, Acanthus pulled out the ring that had been burning a hole in his pocket and dropped to his knees to propose to her in front of his whole family.

And of course she accepted. Soon the first tie between the two most prominent families in Heritage would be formed. There would be many others in the years ahead.
With Vesta's announcement coming right on the heels of Chester's, the whole family got busy preparing for the double weddings. It would have been so nice if both couples could have celebrated their weddings at the same place but neither home was large enough for that and as yet there was not a Community Wedding Chapel available. So Chester would be married at home and Vesta at Acanthus's home though both on the same day.
The family wedding arch was set up in the usual place in the lovely backyard, in sight of father BJ's grave. They liked the idea of including him in the festivities this way. The guests assembled and the vows were said.

All of Chester's siblings were there, including youngest brother Clever, who refused to dress up, and also all of Pendillis's. With elderhood rapidly arriving, there wouldn't be too many more of these occasions for them.

Bertillis was well advanced in her third pregnancy but said she wouldn't miss her little brother's wedding for the world.

Finally it was time for the wedding portrait.

Then a little cuddle time while the guests enjoyed the refreshments

And a good time was had by all. Pendillis enjoyed telling her youngest sister Opalessa about BJ's latest apparition while Janeesis, recovered from the birth of Jasellis, exchanged recipes with Fletcher, the budding chef.

A few hours later, Chester left his new bride at home in order to attend his twin's wedding. Pendillis, Janeesis, Fletcher and Cosetta also attended. This was another simple home ceremony as the young Baxters don't have much money. Vows and rings were exchanged.

From Acanthus's family, his father, grandfather, two brothers and five sisters attended. Janeesis was Vesta's Matron of Honor and Acanthus's four younger sisters were identically clad Bridesmaids.

Acanthus's brother Trollius is a policeman and couldn't be there for the ceremony, but did arrive in time to initiate the toasting.

There were refreshments but guests didn't hang around long. The house is tiny with only one small bathroom. Which rapidly became the most popular room in the house.

By the time the honeymoom limo arrived guests were already leaving and the newlyweds made a mad dash for the limo.

Finally, able to sit back and relax. It's over and now the fun begins.

Here is Vesta's new home which the newlyweds will share with four of his siblings.

Back from their honeymoon they relax before bed.

I can't believe that we are finally really married.
After returning home from Vesta's wedding, Chester and Maura took off for a short honeymoon of their own. Just a weekend in the city, they couldn't afford a long trip. Maura is giving up her firefighting career to be a stay-at-home wife and mother. They hope to begin their family as soon as possible. Chester is a graduate student in Astronomy and works at the Heritage Observatory. He has a long way to go before he is making much of a salary. But the family home is roomy and both Pendillis and Cleve are happy to have them live there forever if they want.
Well, Pendillis has three of her children married off now and only two unmarried ones left at home. And granddaughter Cosetta. Fletcher and Cosetta are both in their last year of school and will soon have to decide what their future will be. How many grandchildren will grace Pendillis's elderhood, which is fast approaching? She has four already, with another already on the way. And Chester and Maura are both family sims. She is ahead of her elder siblings. Lester only has two grandchildren so far. And Estarr has none. But twin sister Genesis has five already, though no one except Kester and Bertillis know that. Yet.
Well, had enough weddings for a while? After weddings usually come births, right? What else might lie ahead in the saga of All My SimChildren? I can guarantee you there is plenty of drama ahead, though it might be a circuitous path to get to it. So stay tuned for the next episode.
Next Episode: Birthdays, Careers and Romantic Goings-on
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Chapter 26 - Trash Town Legacy
Lester's younger sons experienced some peace in their lives for a while. Well, at least two of them did.
At #2 Vintage Road, last visited in Chapter 21,
Fester Copur continued in his life of crime, for want of something better to do. He was mainly just drifting. Once he reached adulthood, he found his relationship with Poppy Jeffress becoming more and more unsatisfying, despite the physical excitement, and finally broke up with her. He then found himself drawn back to his longtime best friend Jody Carr, though he continued that relationship as just friends. He found Jody's company very satisfying and spent more and more time at her home. Her father, Joe, frequently encouraged him to join the military, outlining the many advantages of that career.
Fester also spent a lot of his free time with his little brother, Dolf. No one else had any time for the kid and Fester felt sorry for him, so he did everything he could to give the kid a leg up, like helping him with homework every chance he got. No one had ever done that for him but he wanted Dolf to have more opportunities ahead of him than he saw for his own future.

Mother Ivy spent her life concentrating on having a good time. She worked as a DJ and was in demand at a lot of private parties in the area. Father Randy didn't seem to think about anything except how much money he could make and how fast. He lived his life on the line, as a rather successful burglar, or something equally shady.
At #6 Vintage Road, last visited in chapter 16
Dexter Bruenig continued to paint, becoming better and better at his chosen career. He was enrolled in the two year program at the Heritage Academy of Arts but did not plan to attend University. The family home was still the prettiest little house in Trash Town but was getting rather cramped since the twins had transitioned to childhood.
Marsha and Christopher had had walls repositioned so that there were now four bedrooms rather than three, so Dexter didn't have to share with the little guys which Dexter deeply appreciated. And he knew it was his stepfather's idea. Chris had even consulted Dexter on the design. Chris was really a great guy. Dexter enjoyed his times at his father Lester's home but he had to admit that his stepfather had a much higher place in his esteem than his father did. From the very first day that Chris moved in, he had been there for Dexter, helping him, encouraging him, even when he didn't want it.
Dexter didn't spend much time with his younger siblings though, preferring to spend as much time as possible painting. He didn't dislike them or anything, but just kind of ignored them. The twins were pretty inseparable anyway, doing almost everything together and not needing anyone else.
Now his sister Christiona was another matter. She DID get on his nerves with her constant chatter about boyfriends. You'd think she never had another thought in her head. Though she was good to help out around the house and even helped the kids with homework once in a while.
At #7 Vintage Road, home of The Bertino Bunch, also last visited in chapter 16,
Tesler Go was living a much more exciting life at the moment than any of his brothers. In the Bertino household there was always something going on. And his primary delight at the moment was his "step-sister" Lyra. She had this aura about her that made her absolutely irresistable. He was drawn to her like a bee to honey. And what's more she seemed to find him irresistable also. He often felt like he was sitting on a powder keg just waiting for someone to light a match. Then one day she did. Or he did. He wasn't sure after who started it. But everyone else was out of the room for a moment and magic happened.
They were both the same age, 18, but he was pretty sure it was not her first kiss. Gee, as gorgeous as she was, how could it be? And he knew she had a boyfriend when his family first moved in. But he hadn't been around since then. After that first kiss, any time the young couple got a chance they sneaked another kiss.
The times were few and far between cause the house was small and always full of people. But it was enough to keep Tesler smoldering and sleep hard to attain when he went to bed. He would invariably find himself thinking of Lyra and wind up having to go take a cold shower.

Lyra was a compulsive romantic, a true daughter of her father, Abhijeet Deppiesse. Hmm, that makes her Lester's half-sister, doesn't it? And Tesler's aunt. But that fact is buried somewhere in the dim recesses of Lyra's mind, and Tesler knows nothing of it at all. If Platal knew what was going on, she would say something. Probably. If she thought about it. But she is pretty oblivious most of the time. But Lyra had not broken off with her other boyfriend. Dominique worked evenings so Lyra had to make time to see him in the day. Usually by skipping school then meeting him at the Romper Room. And she was always scouting for fresh meat. After all, a girl couldn't have too many boyfriends, as long as she was careful to keep them separated.
Lyra's twin, Leda, was still seeing Field Cormier. They had been sort of dating now for four years. Leda had been quite content with the platonic relationship during those years. One reason she had been drawn to Field in the first place was his shyness. Whether Field was satisfied with platonicity is another matter but he was too shy to do anything about it. After four years of companionship with Leda he knew exactly how he felt about her. He thought she was the nicest, sweetest girl he had ever known and compared her favorably to his mother. He couldn't imagine ever wanting to be with anyone else. But he didn't intend to ever do anything to make her quit seeing him. So he kept himself to himself. But now at 18 Leda was ready for a more mature relationship. So she subtly let Field know how she felt.
Field was shocked and delighted when Leda started flirting with him but he wasn't really sure how to respond.
So Leda kissed him. The first time for both of them. And right out there on the street.
Well, that was enough to give Field some ideas. He held her tight and kissed her thoroughly.

He was soon kissing her forehead, her eyes and any other part of her he could reach, while his hands roamed up and down her back. Leda was overwhelmed by the intensity of what she had unleashed but she didn't pull away or resist, instead pressing closer to him.

After a few moments of that they stood for a long time just holding each other and whispering love words in each other's ears.
The next time Field visited he had a surprise for Leda and a question.
She answered "Yes", and they began making plans. Soon she would become Mrs. Field Cormier.
Platal accepted her daughter's news quite happily. She was glad Leda's future was assured. One less child to worry about. She and Orlando were both as happy as clams in broth, with each totally accepting of the others idiosyncracies, and both equally scatterbrained. The household was likely to become even wilder with Leda gone as she seemed the most stable of the group. Orlando's son, Roland, had just transitioned to teen and was beginning to feel the surge of teen hormones. His brain was likely to disengage for some time.
The two youngest, Orlando's son, Javier, and Platal's daughter, Aura, had both transitioned to childhood and were now seven. They were both quite wild and undisciplined, doing whatever popped into their little heads. Their parents did make sure they went to school and did enough homework to keep Social Services away but otherwise life was all play.
How long before Field and Leda marry? Will Tesler find out he is not the only "man" in Lyra's life? How long before the tinder between them catches fire and the powder keg REALLY explodes? What will happen between Fester and Jody? Will Joe convince Fester to join the military? Will Dexter ever take his nose away from the canvas long enough to get a girlfriend? Tune in to the next episode of All My SimChildren when SOME of these questions may be answered.
Next Episode: Almost a Triple Wedding
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