Chapter 30 Gen 4 Comes of Age
Another cycle of years begins in Heritage. Each of the chapters covers a period of two years in the lives of the families, with a varying number of chapters needed to include all families in the cycle. But each new cycle will always begin . . .
Kester is 36 as this cycle begins. Despite being a widower and the father of teens, he is still a young man, and in the prime of life. The circumstances of his wife's death lend a romantic, tragic aura to him in the eyes of some of the ladies of Heritage as does the fact that he still wears his wedding ring. And the fact that he is handsome, wealthy and a prominent doctor doesn't hurt his standing any either. But Kester is generally oblivious of the admiration he engenders and is equally oblivious to the attempts of said ladies to put themselves in his path. Besides being quite busy in his medical practice, he has two families of children that take up all his leisure time.
Kester is very proud of his sons, Prester and Brewster, who are both teens, and he loves them dearly. But he has a very special feeling for his alien daughter, Celestial, his gift from the heavens. It doesn't seem possible that it is time for her to become a teen also. It seems only yesterday that she was born. But time it is. She chose not to have a big party, so basically only family is there. Kester got her a lovely new outfit for the big day. Here she is now, all grown up and dressed in her new clothes. Fate has given her the Family aspiration and she has already begun thinking of her future.

I have no idea who that little girl is, stuffing her face in the dining room. One of Celestial's friends who came home from school with her. And why she is wearing a swim suit is a mystery as despite the family's money, they still don't have a swimming pool.
Now Kester congratulates Celestial on her new status.

A few days later, grandmother Genesis came for a visit to congratulate Celestial also. They always enjoy talking sports together. Celestial is thinking of possibly following in her grandmother's footsteps in the athletic career. Genesis is quite smug about the fact that she is the only one of her generation to have a green-skinned child and a grandchild also.

The little boy in this picture is Celestial's very best friend, Cosmos Baxter. You'll be seeing more of him later.
Let's see what second son, Brewster, is up to now. He's 15 now and a romance sim. And he doesn't plan on wasting any time. He has invited a pretty friend home to try out the hot tub with him.

They seem to be quite cozy in there. This lovely young lady is Cristiona Stompel, Marsha Bruenig's daughter.

Once out of the tub, Brewster practices his flirting techniques some more.

Christiona is a romance sim herself. Do you suppose she is believing everything he says? But she is enjoying it.

Some more cuddles and hugs

And then their first kiss.

And Christiona decides it is time to go home.

Brewster is not too disappointed. He made great progress and there will be other times. Many other times.
With three teens in the house, there are always other teens visiting. The three enjoy meeting each other's friends. Prester is out of high school now and in Junior College. But he still enjoys playing games with his younger sibs.

They don't forget little sister Cassia either. All three of the teens make a point to spend time with her so she doesn't ever feel left out. Here it is Saturday morning. While Brewster plays doll house with Cassia, Prester talks with one of his many friends. He is a popularity sim, after all, so has to keep up those lines of communication. One of his best friends is Linnea Hamilton, the grocery girl. He spends a lot of time on the phone with her.

Finally the day arrives for Prester's adult birthday. And he invites Linnea as his only guest. Celestial's friend Cosmos Baxter is there too and he is a teen now also. Cosmos seems to be around the house a lot lately. Now it's Prester's big moment. A brief dance with sparkling lights.....

And the confetti flies everywhere. Linnea seems pretty impressed.

Prester seems pretty impressed with himself too.

Kester seems somewhat dismayed. Does the fact of having an adult son make him feel older suddenly? Is he thinking that Prester is already older than he himself was when Prester was born? Would he turn back the clock and change things if he could? No, he could never wish away as fine a son as Prester is. Whatever mistakes he made, they had a purpose.
After the cake and ice cream are eaten and the rest of the family wanders off to their own activities, Prester and Linnea spend some private time together. And eventually have their first kiss.

And a few more. Some time later, they come up for air and Prester asks Linnea to move in with him. Right now. He's not wasting any time. And she says yes.

What fortune sim in her right mind would say no? Prester is now the most eligible bachelor in Heritage. Heir to a fortune and handsome to boot. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what to do. Does she love him? Love, smove, it's money that makes the world go round, right? A girl has to ensure her future. So Linnea will move in. And do her best to consolidate her position.
We noted earlier that Cosmos Baxter is a frequent visitor to the Genester home. Celestial is also a frequent visitor to the Baxter home, where Cosmos is a little more forward than when he visits her and attempts a little flirting.

Celestial was quite receptive to that and soon she too is having her first kiss.

Cosmos is a good looking young man, much better looking than his older brothers who we met at Vesta Genester's wedding in chapter 27.

Over at #2 Lineage Way, Kester's second family is about to grow a little bigger. Kester spends as much time with Bertillis and the twins as he can and as much as she will let him. He continues to dream of having them in his home with him but knows that the iron clad terms of Hester's legacy would never allow it. But he could always do what his own mother did. Move out once his heir is established. Yes, he could definitely do that. Meanwhile, snatch what joy he can. So one night when Bertillis calls and asks him to come over, he doesn't hesitate.

As soon as he gets there, Bertillis tells him she thinks she is in early labor and she wanted him to be there if she were.

Kester is nearly overcome with emotion at the thought of being present at the birth of this next child, whose mother he loves so much.

Kester spends time with the twins, working on their toddler skills, and bedtime arrives with no new baby yet in sight. Kester is quite happy to spend the night. With Prester and Linnea at home, he doesn't have to worry about the younger children so he can relax and enjoy whatever comes. The little ones are put to bed and he and Bertillis enjoy some time together. Just as they begin to fall asleep a yell from the twins' room brings them out of bed. Kester goes to check on them and finds that Rosella just wanted a drink of water and a little cuddle from her daddy.

That taken care of he tucks her back into bed where she goes right to sleep.

Bertillis has come to see what is taking so long and gets a hug too.

Then back to bed and a quiet night. It is not until dawn that Bertillis is awakened by real labor. Her first shriek brought Kester awake instantly.

It seems no time at all before the baby arrives for which Kester was very thankful. He couldn't bear those screams Bertillis was emitting and he unable to do anything about it.

But as Bertillis coos over the baby, Kester stares at it in dismay.

He moves closer for a better look. But sees the same thing. Flashbacks of Cassia's birth roll through his head.

Bertillis looks at Kester and then at the baby in confusion, seemingly not understanding what he is talking about.

Bertillis studies the baby. "Well, she sure doesn't look like Rosella or Keller, does she? Or Cosetta either. "

"She looks just like my baby pictures. Except she's light like your father. And she has your green eyes. Isn't it amazing that all four of our children look so different from each other but each have parts of both of us? What shall we call her? "
With that Bertillis holds the baby out toward Kester, so he can get a closer look and accustom himself to her.

His misgivings gradually subside. Yes, his father and all his father's relatives are light skinned. There was no true reason for him to suddenly doubt Bertillis. That was only Kaylynn's legacy to him. And he soon found his heart swelling with love for this youngest child of his when Bertillis placed her in his arms and went to clean herself up. When she returned she asked Kester how he liked the name Calandra for the baby. He just grinned and said that was fine with him.
Will Kester ever find out the truth about this youngest child of "his"? When the twins start talking who will they call Daddy? How much longer can Bertillis continue her balancing act? Stay tuned to All My SimChildren for the answers. Eventually.
Next episode: New Arrivals
Great picture catching the toddler in the act of climbing out of the crib! And I sure hope Kester finds out because she can't get away with "oh, none of our kids look alike anyway..." Cute baby, but clearly not Kester's.
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