Chapter 33 Lester's Other Sons (last seen in chapter 26)
At #1 Vintage Road, Lester's second son, Fester Copur(popularity), finally decides where his heart lies and asks Jody Carr to marry him.

Jody, who had dated several different boys during high school, had never found anyone that she cared as much for as she did Fester. He had been her best friend since she was a small child and her feelings for him had matured into a lasting love. She knew her parents wanted her to go to college now that she had graduated from high school, but she wanted nothing more than to spend her life with Fester, so she immediately said yes.

OH NO, a burglar has invaded the Copur home.

Oh, wait, that's not just any burglar. That is Fester's step-father, Randy London, just home from work and trying to fix that darn stereo that keeps breaking. But Randy was just too exhausted to concentrate on it. (Despite the controller's repeated instructions to him to fix it, he kept stopping with complaints of sleep deprivation so he was finally allowed to go to bed.)
Next morning, Fester's mother Ivy decided she would have a go at the machine. After a rather serious but non-fatal shock she decided it might be better to call a repairman.

At #6 Vintage Road, the Bruenig-Stompel home, Lester's third son, Dexter Bruenig(knowledge) has his 20th birthday and his adult transition.

Not bad looking. Looks a lot like his Dad.

Step-father Christopher Stompel congratulates Dexter on his new status

Chris has always been there for Dexter and has never distinquished between Dexter and his own children. Though Dexter has always enjoyed his visits to Lester's home, he regards Chris as his true father.
Chris and Marsha have a strong, solid and very loving relationship

Marsha has been a stay-at-home mother ever since she married Chris and has had plenty of time to lavish on her family and her home. And her friends. The Stompel home has frequent guests.

Here is Marsha and two of her best friends, Lucy Hanby Genester and Christy Stratton Lillard having a lunch party.
The childrens' friends are always welcome too and there are usually a bunch of kids at the house every day.

Two of Christiona's friends chat with each other while she is ignored.

But not for long. Time to say goodby to favorite boyfriend, Brewster Genester.

And now time for the family to have dinner together.

Bedtime for the younger boys now. Perhaps the only set of identical twins in the neighborhood, Yancey and Norven would be indistinquishable if not for their different hairstyles. They do differ somewhat in personality though both are extremely active and extremely nice.
Here's Yancey ready for bed

And here's Norven

With the kids all getting older, and the constant flow of friends, the little lavender house has been feeling a little cramped. Chris and Marsha decided they needed a larger living room, so have started an addition. The interior is not quite finished yet but all the exterior work is done. Here's a pic of the larger house.

(I love this little house. It may be my favorite in the whole neighborhood. And I love the way Marsha decorates it too. )
What of Lester's youngest son, Tesler Go? When last we saw him, he was engaged in a clandestine relationship with his step-sister/aunt. Have they been discovered yet? How far will this go? To find out stay tuned for the next chapter of All My SimChildren. Yes, that's right, the VERY NEXT chapter. LOTS of drama coming up.
Next episode: An Encounter With Death
Yancey and Norven are very cute little boys. I can't wait to find out what happens next chapter!
Yancey and Norven are ADORABLE! Better looking than some of the other children I've seen. Hehe.
And your HOUSE! It's so CUTE! :O) And lavendar. :O)) Hehe. Great job, HK.
The house IS cute!
The two younger boys look so identical and the household seems very busy with so many friends over. Love that dinner photo :)
AHHH any shade of purple is my favorite color I love that house.
I ditto all the other comments. Those twins are so cute! I can't wait to see how they grow up. And Christiona is very pretty, who would want to ignore her?!
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