Chapter 36 - Abduction!
(Robi was the first husband of gen 2 heiress, Genesis Genester. His current wife, Mabal, is sister to Chader Enabler and cousin to Hawer Enabler, current husband of Genesis. So the families have many ties, not least of which is Soressa Kauker, daughter of Robi and Genesis. Soressa is grown and married and does not live in either household now but she is still a bond between them.)
The Charvats are both knowledge oriented as is their son, Sager, now 18. Robi continues in his position as Mad Scientist and Mabal still teaches band at the high school. She has pretty much given up her old dream of being a professional musician but still enjoys playing with various local amateur groups. Sager has just graduated from high school and is thrilled that the University has opened in time for him to attend. Korena, the youngest member of the family, is now 15. She is still focused on being popular and is undoubtedly one of the most popular girls at the school, with both students and teachers. She remains unfailingly nice and is a good student as well, though it is not the most important thing in her life like it is with Sager. Robi and Mabal had never considered putting their children into private school. Since Mabal taught at the public school they preferred having the kids where she was. But both kids were in the advanced placement track. And the family frequently had the Principal, Sullivan Curtin, over for dinner. He and Robi had become quite good friends over the years, sharing many interests, one of which was their mutual fascination with astronomy.

The second most important thing in Sager's life was his relationship with Cosetta Genester. She was a year older than he and was attending the local junior college
that he had long feared would be his only option. But they had been dating since Sager was a freshman and neither of them had ever even considered dating anyone else. Sager planned on marrying Cosetta as soon as he finished University. Deciding on a future career had been a lot harder as he was interested in so many different things. But he had finally settled on Parapsychology as the first field that he wanted to tackle. He thought though that he would probably not be content in the same field his entire life as his father appeared to be. Korena was the glue that bound the family together. If not for her, they were likely to each become so absorbed in their mental pursuits that they would forget everything else. She prompted them to interact with each other and with the outside world. She also did a lot of the cleaning up after them.

And she did it all cheerfully. Despite being so popular with the other kids at school she rarely saw any of them outside school. And she didn't have a boyfriend yet. But there was one boy that she did like more than any of the others. And that was Hunter Strahan. The family wasn't much for entertaining but Korena finally got Robi to agree to hosting a dinner party and letting her invite Hunter to it. They both had a great time.

Everyone else had a great time too, even Robi. Though he was so tired afterward that he had to take a nap. Well, working nights as he did, he wasn't used to getting up as early as he had to when they had guests.

Robi's position of Mad Scientist gave him a lot of free time to spend in independent research. And since he could set his own hours he preferred working at night so that in his off time he could stargaze without having to constantly be changing his sleep schedule. If he were not going to the lab, as soon as he woke up in the evening, he was outside at the telescope often without even changing out of his pajamas. He continued to learn something new about the Universe every night. But one night he learned something he wasn't expecting. As he was focusing the scope on a different sector of the sky, he became aware of a strange humming sound and suddenly found himself surrounded by blazing light and then a tractor beam began lifting him off the ground.

He yelled in astonishment. Loudly. His family heard and came rushing to see what was wrong. The last thing he saw as he was jerked into the sky was their upturned faces below.

The family saw Robi disappear into the light which appeared to be coming from some aircraft far above. Then the light shut off and the craft disappeared. They stared at each other in amazement. Sager was elated. Wow, that had to be an alien spacecraft. He had of course read of such things happening, but had never thought that his father would be involved. Wow. He had been about to leave on a date with Cosetta when it happened. Now he hurried to the car to tell Cosetta all about it.

Hours later, as Sager and Cosetta were coming back, they saw the alien craft swooping toward the house.

It stopped and hovered over the street directly in front of the house.

Sager saw a figure appear on the street directly below the craft. It looked like Robi.

The figure immediately disappeared again as an opening appeared in the side of the craft and light blazed out.

Robi appeared again in the light, apparently thrown from the craft and falling toward the ground.

Sager, out of the car now, heard his father scream in terror as he fell.

Mabal and Korena were outside now, drawn by the sound of the craft and Robi's screams. They watched as Robi seemed about to hit the earth with a killing impact.

Then he was suddenly jerked skyward again.

Almost back to the wildly gyrating craft. It appeared there was some struggle and perhaps they were going to take him back again.

Then the craft stabilized and Robi was dropped unceremoniously into an undignified heap almost at their feet.

Robi lay there, unmoving, for what seemed an eternity to the horrified watchers, a look of sheer terror on his face.

Then slowly, as though in great pain, he rose to his feet.

Then looked back over his shoulder at the hovering craft

And again his face took on an expression of terror.

Which changed to astonished disbelief as he remembered all that had happened to him.

Mabal had reached him by now and embraced him, holding so tightly as if she might never let go. She thought she had lost him and would never see him again.

He then told her the astounding news that he learned while in the ship. He is going to have a baby! An alien baby! What an opportunity for learning!

Robi was walking on a cloud as he headed back into the house. He was already planning how to make the most of this new experience: documentation to do, experiments to perform, papers to publish. He'd envied Kester his alien experience for years especially since Kester never shared anything of it with the
medical and scientific community. He gave Sager the thumbs up as he passed him. While Mabal remained standing at the curb, her mouth hanging open in astonishment.

How will Robi occupy his time in the months and years ahead? Will the coming child be anything more to him than a research project? Could it be twins? How will his wife and children deal with this? Stay tuned to All My SimChildren to find out.
Next episode: Facing the Future
Way to go!! I can't wait to see if Robi will don the green alien baby maternity wear! LOL
That was great! The pics you have of the abduction and Robi's return are amazing! I can't wait to see the little alien baby and how the family reacts to the new family member. Aren't knowledge sims great? They get abducted and impregnated with an alien child and do they freak out like family sims? No, they are totally psyched about the experience!
Well, I don't exactly remember if I heard the chimes but I am pretty sure he is pregnant. Dont' they always come back pregnant if they are of the proper age? I may have done a pregnancy test on him too. Just don't remember. Been too long. Yes, I was really excited about the pics I got with this one. This is the only time I have ever seen the sim appear standing on the street before he is thrown out also. So there was a lot different about this abduction.
Oh! ConGRATulations!! Finally, abducted! WOohoo! I bet YOU'RE excited! I can't wait to see what the little bundle looks like.
Those were some great pics, HK! When Clay got abducted, the same thing happened to him. He was standing on the street and then he disappeared and then dropped down again, but didn't land with his butt in the air. lol. That was a great picture. Hurry up and get your computer figured out because I want to find out what happens next! *sniff*
Awesome! I've never been able to get any of my guys abducted by aliens, so it was just *great* to see so much detail. Awesome, and keep it up!
Wow that was awesome! i don't have the sims to on computer but I have it on xbox. I can't wait to see what the baby looks like. Also cool pics the won with his but in the air was funny. Can't wait to read more.
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