Chapter 31 - New Arrivals
at #2 Heritage Trail - home of Pendillis(gen 2-knowledge) and Cleve (popularity) Wilson (last seen in chapter 27)
Eldest son Chester (age 24, family) and his new wife, Maura (also family) waste no time in starting their family. Every day when Chester gets home from work, he and Maura spend time dreaming of their future.

Chester will soon be finishing his graduate degree in astronomy. He is already working on his doctoral dissertation and his preliminary work has been highly acclaimed by his professors. He has a small salary as a graduate assistant and expects to have a significant raise once he gets that diploma.
Second son Fletcher (knowledge) has finished high school and is enrolled in cooking school. He still wants to be a famous chef some day and works part time in his aunt Estarr's restaurant, learning all he can there as well. He now has a girlfriend too. A young woman who he met at cooking school. Her name is Jenna Cameron and he has shared his first kiss with her.

Youngest son Clever really enjoys all the delicious desserts that Fletcher concocts and it is beginning to show in his figure.

Pendillis's first husband, B.J. Ryan, keeps watch over his children on occasion though none of them have ever seen him. He has finally stopped doing his touring in the daytime, instead appearing in the evening, making a quick tour of the grounds, then checking out his bed and usually back to the cemetary long before anyone is ready to retire.

He always seems to be in a good mood and has never jumped out at anyone. But one evening, Cleve decided to go to bed early and arrived upstairs just as B.J. was doing his bedcheck. Cleve got the shock of his life when he came face to face with B.J.

Clever and Fletcher share their next transition days. No party, just the family to celebrate with them. First Clever becomes a teen. (Still definitely looks much like his mother butlike his father he is much more interested in making friends than in studying. He has a strong interest in the paranormal and wants to go to University and then become a parapsychologist.)

Then Fletcher struts his stuff with the dancing lights.

He has graduated from cooking school now and is ready to find a full time job. He also decided he was tired of looking exactly like elder brother Chester and let his curly hair grow a little longer and also grew a mustache.

Eldest granddaughter Cosetta (family) can be seen in the transition picture above. She has finished high school also and will soon be having her adult transition as she is only a few months younger than Fletcher. Since her father, Kester, told his other children about her, she has been a frequent visitor in their home and has bonded strongly with her siblings. She is currently enrolled in junior college, studying child care and home economics. She has no strong career ambitions. She knows she will need a job and would like to work with children in some way, perhaps as a nanny? Or maybe a clown doing children's parties. Eventually she wants to marry and have a family of her own. She and Sager Charvat are going steady now but Sager is very knowledge oriented and definitely wants to go to University. He is a year younger than Cosetta and has just graduated from high school. So it will be several years at least before they could marry.
Pendillis is 60 now and ready to become an elder so she can retire and concentrate on just learning. She would already have transitioned but the residual effects of elixir have not yet left her body. Cleve is 58 and a senior officer in the military. He too is looking forward to being able to retire.
All three of Pendillis's daughters have their own homes. We just saw eldest daughter Bertillis (age 34, romance) in the previous chapter, giving birth to her fourth child. Second daughter Janeesis (age 29, knowledge) is focused on her husband, Jonathan (family), and daughter Jasellis. Jasellis has become a toddler. .

and is busy learning her toddler skills. Janeesis especially concentrates on her daughter's learning. As a teacher, Janeesis knows that getting a good start is very important.

But Jasellis is very much a daddy's girl. Jonathan reads to her every day and tells her madeup stories too. And she loves the games he plays with her.

But Janeesis and Jonathan still have plenty of time for each other, and plan on having another child soon.

Pendillis's youngest daughter, Vesta Baxter, is expecting a baby soon also, though she is not as far along as Maura.

Speaking of Maura, it's nearly time for her baby to arrive. Maura has been having a rough time of it. Well, not really rough. She just can't seem to sleep long at at time, waking up at all hours of the night hungry. Having to take lots of naps in the day. Generally uncomfortable all the time with frequent backaches. But not sick or anything. One night as usual she got up for a midnite meal and then went to the living room to watch TV for a while. The backache had been much worse that day and she just couldn't seem to get comfortable no matter what she did. Suddenly a strong contraction in her abdomen nearly doubled her over. Wow!. It must be time!

A few more of the astounding sensations convulsed her whole body as she felt an incredible force building within her. She yelled for Chester but he was sound asleep on the second floor as was everyone else. Then she was forced into a twirling dance, just as when she last transitioned.

As she twirled her whole body felt fluid and suddenly the child was propelled from within her into her arms.

Black hair, blue eyes, and the family face. She looks just like her aunts Bertillis and Janeesis and her daddy and Uncle Fletcher. Maura cleans up herself and the baby and takes her to her father. She is christened Agnessa.
A few weeks later, Vesta gives birth to her baby, a little boy who is named Crocus, according to the Baxter family tradition. He has his mother's eyes. And looks like he might have red hair like his grandfather Gordon Kim Baxter.

The alien heritage is alive and strong in all three of these newest gen 4 scions of the Genester family. Next stop- the homes of Estarr Genester Platz and Lester Genester. Stay tuned to the continuing saga of All My SimChildren.
Next episode: Family Matters
Wow! I've never seen a baby with eyes as big as Crocus! Wonderful on to the next chapter!
I must admit. Little crocus is better looking than the other baby. Hehe. MAN! Those CHEEKBONES. :O)) Pollination Technician needs to work on that. Hehe.
Wow most of my babies all look the same but yours each have a different look to them must be that alien DNA :)
I'm so envious!! I'm up to Gen 4 and still no cutie aliens! Crocus is so unique :0)!!!
All these births, we know what the sims have been up to. I loved it.
That Crocus...those are some huge eyes! And cool picture of the other baby's birth in front of the pictures of the family so you can see the resemblance. And Jasellis, what a cutie!
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