Chapter 7 - Transitions, births and more twins
While Estarr (gen 2-knowledge-age 48) was awaiting her third child, she and Chandler (age 46- fortune) had some work done on the house. Chandler owned his own landscaping businees and had considerable savings. With that and the insurance from Korey's death, they were able to fix up the house quite nicely.

A new dining room provided a lovely setting for family meals as well as entertaining.

Estarr's pregnancy was a tranquil one and in the wee hours of a lovely spring morning she produced a son for Chandler. He had his father's light skin and green eyes but otherwise looked like his mother and was the only one of Hester's grandchildren to have the alien nose.

They named him Chalmer and within a few short weeks Estarr was pregnant again. She hadn't really wanted another pregnancy at her age, but Chandler wanted another child so Estarr thought it best to get it done quickly before she got too old. Oh, well, she did manage to promote to executive chef before she got pregnant with Chalmer. So she had a great job to go back to. This pregnancy was a lot rougher than the previous one but she did manage to throw a party for daughter Bethesda's third transition.

In the presence of grandmother, aunts, uncle and cousins, Bethesda transformed into a very lovely teen. (gen 3-romance.) Stepfather Chandler did all the honors of the evening as Estarr had to go back to bed as soon as she had a bite to eat.

The rest of the pregnancy was a struggle for Estarr. She could never get her needs adequately taken care of in order to meditate. And couldn't get her aspiration bar high enough to use the energiser. But she struggled along until time for Jeekobey to have his fourth transition. Jeekobey (gen 3-romance) wanted to throw his own party so invited several of his cousins and friends over. However he put off the cake ritual a little too long and transitioned to adult before he could blow out the candles.

He got himself some spiffy new clothes for the occasion. He had a yen to be a professional man.

Jeekobey had had a really long adolescence. He had never gotten a job and despite being of a romantic disposition had never had his first kiss. But he managed it tonight. That was the highlight of his evening and as far as he was concerned made the party a success though everyone else considered it a disaster.

To top it off, Estarr went into labor just after everyone left the party and in a very short time produced another son. He looked just like his father.

Estarr barely had time to hand the baby to Chandler when the pangs hit again. In no more time than it took to spin around a baby girl appeared. She also had red hair, but had her grandpa Abhijeets' medium skin and the alien heritage brown eyes.

The boy was named Calder and the girl Carissa. Both older children gathered close to welcome the new additions though they weren't entirely sure they approved. Their mother really was getting kind of old for this.
Jeekobey decided to embark on a career as a psychologist. He liked wearing a suit to work. And perhaps someday he could be a psychiatrist like Dr. Shrink. But to be a psychologist you have to go to college so he got a parttime job while he went to school.
Just a few weeks after the twins birth it was time for Chalmer's first transition. Just a small family gathering to celebrate.

Despite not having much nose, he made a cute toddler. He has Mom's black hair and Dad's green eyes.

Now Estarr felt she had been off work long enough. She missed cooking fancy recipes for masses of people. So any day that someone else could be at home with the babies she went to work. At home she practiced making new recipes and did a lot of sampling of her own cooking. With the expected result for her figure.

Chandler looked forward to taking care of the babies when he was home. He treasured these days and was sorry that there would be no more. But that was the penalty of waiting till your middle years to marry.

Time to sit back now and enjoy those middle years. Watch the kids grow up and the hard work of years pay off. Right? Right. If fate does not decree otherwise.
Will Chandler and Estarr be able to settle comfortably into middle age? Will Jeekobey and Bethesda be able to romance successfully? What is in store for the young Platzes? Stay tuned to All My SimChildren to find out.
next episode: Politics and Romance and the results of combining them. (No, it's not about Clinton and Lewinsky LOL)
WOohoo! Go twins! :O) I love it when twins are born (just like I love alien abductions and male pregnancies). They're hard to take care of us toddlers though. I can't imagine how people with more than two handled themselves. I can BARELY cope! *LOL*
Yet agian, you do not disapoint. Going to take a break to feed the baby, then be back to read more. I'm hopelessly addicted.
I agree, that little boy and the non existant nose, but he sure is cute! And the twins are adorable, so glad they don't look alike. Congrats on the babies!
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