Chapter 28 Birthdays, Careers and Romantic Goings-on
at #3 Heritage Trail - home of Estarr (gen 2-knowledge-age 60) and Chandler (fortune-age 58 ) Platz (last seen in chapter 22)
While the excitement of their children's weddings were occurring for her brother Lester and sister Pendillis, Estarr had to content herself with birthdays. But the Platz family were not much for parties so celebrations were very private. The twins Calder and Carissa transitioned to teen without even a cake. Both still remembered the circumstances of their last birthday and had a superstitious feeling that disaster would again befall if they had a party. So they transitioned without witnesses. Carissa was endowed with the family aspiration and Calder chose knowledge like his mother.
Carissa had enjoyed the family telescope all through her childhood, not for watching the stars, but for surveying the happenings of the neighborhood. If people were outdoors, Carissa wanted to know what they were doing. She enjoyed looking at everyone's backyard gardens too and seeing the flowers closeup, which she couldn't do walking by on the street. It had never occurred to her that anyone would object and all those years no one had. But the day after her transition she received an unexpected reaction, when her cousin Janeesis's husband, Jonathan, noticed her scanning his yard.

He gave her a huge lecture about spying on people. But Carissa was not intimidated. She told him he shouldn't be doing anything outdoors that he objected to people watching. (Though all she had seen was him going out to get the mail.)

Shortly after that, Estarr took Carissa to the beauty shop for her first makeover. Then she took both twins to Chris Stompel's photography studio for formal portraits.

Carissa is quite lovely with her new look. And Calder is the spitting image of his father, though he is quite different in temperament.
Estarr still owned her restaurant, The Peacock Garden, which was very popular both in and out of the neighborhood. She had also written several very successful cookbooks, featuring recipes from the restaurant. Her working hours were often long and late. One night as she arrived home, she began feeling the familiar tingly sensation that preceded a transition. She had entirely forgotten that today was her birthday! As she stepped out of the cab onto the landing strip she began to shiver and shimmer and soon the light show began and she burst into her new form as confetti showered around her.

Chandler also worked long hours and his landscaping business was thriving. He still loved Estarr deeply and had no desire to leave her. They had a good solid relationship even if it no longer had the fire it did when they were younger. They were partners in all of life's endeavors, if not often lovers anymore. He wasn't sure how he felt about her becoming an elder though. He knew that meant his turn would be coming soon but he still felt so young and he knew that was due to Bertillis. He had missed her terribly after she quit calling him. Every day he had gone to work expecting her to call and when she didn't he would be overcome with longing. Finally he could stand it no longer, and had dropped by her house one evening after work. He had been so astounded at what he found. And so thrilled too. No wonder he still felt young, with twin babies. And another on the way now too. Bertillis called him often again. Not as often as before but he could understand that with the children to care for. He wished she would let him do more for her, like set her up in a larger home. He could certainly afford it as well as his business was doing. He often found himself just staring in the mirror at his reflection, in wonder at the way his life was going. He had the best of two worlds. A talented and lovely wife and teen children, plus a beautiful young mistress and a second family. He had somehow managed to convince himself that he could continue to lead this double life forever with no damage to anyone. Or perhaps he just refused to think about any possible consquences.

Life was purring smoothly for the young Jitmakusols. Jeekobey's career was now well established. He had decided to enter a very specialized area of psychology and was now a certified sex therapist. All of his clients were women who needed help overcoming their sexual hangups. He favored a strong, hands-on approach.

He had a lovely specialized therapy room in the back part of his office, complete with hot tub, incense, flowers, etc. where he taught relaxation and sensual modalities.

But he always made sure he left enough time in his busy schedule for Brittany.

Bethesda wanted to try for a career in modeling. She loved to show off her body. She was just beginning so she spent more time hanging around the modeling agency than she did actually working but it gave her plenty of time to socialize and meet new men. She still dated her highschool boyfriend, Ratna Sartor, but their relationship had gone far beyond that first kiss so many years before.

Her newest intimate relationship was with Dr. Sebastien Mace, cousin Kester's partner.

Sebastien was a frequent visitor to the Jitmakusol home. He was several years older than Bethesda but that certainly didn't matter to her. What did concern her was his beginning to hint about marriage. Time perhaps to cool that relationship. She'd have to make it plainer that she wasn't interested in longterm commitments at this time in her life. Ratna at least seemed comfortable with her attitude about that.
The Enabler home was a happy one, full of growing children and contented adults. Genesis and Hawer were still deeply in love and looked forward to their golden years together. Their careers were stable and provided well for the family's financial needs. Genesis continued as assistant coach of the Llamas but planned to retire as soon as she transitioned to elder. Hawer was still rising in the executive ranks of Llama and Flamingo Inc. though he would never be CEO nor did he aspire to. He just didn't have the ambition to devote that much time to his career, preferring to spend it with his family. He was so proud of his eldest son, Kester, and grateful for the growing relationship with him. Kester visited often, frequently sharing a meal with his parents and siblings.

The grandchildren visited too, though not as often. And he and Genesis visited them. Genesis also gloried in her burgeoning family. She was thrilled when daughter Soressa married Dorian Kauker, but wondered what was taking them so long to start a family. They really ought to have a place of their own, instead of living with Opalessa. And Opalessa ought to be finding a man to settle down with. She was 36 already. She would be middle-aged before she knew it. It still seemed strange to Genesis to have a sister so much younger than she was. But then Kester's youngest sibling, Frazer, was 30 years younger than Kester. She hadn't been a kid when Kester was born either. No, she had been a full-grown woman of 23. Ah well, life had many variations and quite a few of them were strange.
Frazer had only recently transitioned to child and had just started school. He was a beautiful child who looked much like his sister Loral. Genesis thought he looked a lot like Hawer, at least more so than any of the other children, except for his coloring.

Loral finally agreed to haivng her picture taken but only if her brothers were in it with her.

Hawer's cousin, Chader, nearly 50 now and always pretty much a loner, surprised everyone by bringing home a woman several years younger than himself to meet the family. Genesis wasn't sure how old she was but thought she must be about 40. Her name was Arianna Jalowitz. Chader was the outdoorsy type. He worked for a group that organized white water rafting and fishing expeditions. Arianna was the group's office person, the one who answered the phone, did the scheduling, bought supplies, took care of advertising, etc. You might say the brains of the operation, while the guides like Chader were the brawn. Chader began bringing her home a lot and seeing her elsewhere too. They soon got the idea that he might actually be courting her. And sure enough, it wasn't long before he proposed.

Arianna didn't have to think twice before accepting. And as soon as she got the ring on her finger, she started organizing Chader. She wanted them to start shopping for a home. But Chader wasn't quite ready to leave the comfort of his established life. He suggested that instead she move in with him there. Well, Chader could be pretty stubborn. So eventually Arianna gave in. For the time being. But there was no place for her to move in to. Chader had been sharing a bedroom with his son, Viggo, ever since they moved in with Hawer and Genesis. Jager and Frazer shared the third bedroom while Loral slept in the tiny room off the master bedroom which used to be the nursery. It wasn't much bigger than a closet. So Chader proposed building an addition onto the house. He and Arianna put up half the money while Genesis and Hawer put up the other half.

When it was done and furnished, the couple married at the registry office and Arianna moved in.

Chader's son Viggo, now 22, was still seeing Iris Baxter, who was not yet 18. Her family didn't seem to object. Her father had come to Viggo's transition party with Iris, in order to meet Viggo, and he was now a frequent visitor at their home and Iris was often at the Enabler home. Genesis watched them closely as she didn't want any bad example set for her children. After all, Iris was only a few years older than her son Jager. He could easily get ideas she didn't want him to have yet. But Viggo and Iris always behaved circumspectly. No one was around when they finally had their first kiss.

Not that anyone would have seen much. Iris ducked her head just as Viggo leaned to kiss her so he got her on the forehead rather than the lips. But they did much better on the second try.
Ah, young love, how sweet it is. And not so young love too. How long can Chandler get away with his double life? What will happen if/when Estarr finds out? Has Carissa given up the telescope or will she just get sneakier about it and try to see what Jonathan was so sensitive about? Will Jeekobey and Bethesda be able to continue their romantic lifestyles without complications? Will Jager get ideas from Viggo and Iris? Will their relationship continue to grow? Will Arianna get Chader to do things her way or is he stubborn enough to keep resisting? Can two married couples of the same generation inhabit the same house without conflicts? Wow, what a lot of potential drama from these rather mild scenarios. Well, stay tuned for the next drama in the lives of All My SimChildren.
Next episode: Mid-Life Crisis? Not
Ahh ... young love indeed. Hehe. Cute "kiss-on-the-forehead" picture at the end there. *LOL*
So much goes on in your blogs! WOO! If I were used, I'd be so confused as to where I am! *LOL* I would have probably separated them all into separate blogs.
Good stuff!
Great update! I still don't know how you keep up with all those different families, but you do an excellent job. I look forward to reading more.
Frazer is so cute! His skin is so flawless, almost like it was airbrushed. He's a pretty pretty boy. =) And tell Chader to get over himself and give him and the wifey a new house all to themselves! No sharing a house for the newlyweds.
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