Chapter 25 - Another Gen 3 wedding
(continued from chapter 20)
Lester has still not retired. He enjoys his job too much. He has finally stated that he will not retire until he either dies or gets voted out. And the public still seems enamored of him. He continues to defeat all opponents in the polls by a large margin. He may be getting old but he still obviously has what it takes, both to please the electorate and to attract young women. During the weeks of son Laser's engagement, Lester added another conquest to his list, another of the Trollops of Trash Town. This one is Numidia.

That makes 10 women that Lester romances more or less regularly. And a total of 19 all together.
Finally Laser and Lucy's big day arrives. Both are popularity sims so of course they want a big wedding. So everyone in the family is invited though not nearly all are able to come.

Some familiar faces and others less so. From left to right are brother Tesler Go, father Lester, Sager Charvat who just happened by, brother Fester Copur, aunt Estarr Platz, aunt Genesis Enabler, mother Platal Bertino, sister Spring Futa, nephew Leith, brother-in-law Alvin Futa, and behind Genesis is brother Dexter Bruenig.

Vows are exchanged and traditional words spoken. (You can see Dexter behind Leith and Platal in this shot.)

Then the first kiss as husband and wife

Following the ceremony, Lucy had to make a mad dash for the bathroom. In all the excitement of the wedding she had forgotten to go before. Then a quick shower and change into her going-away outfit. Meanwhile Laser entertained the crowd with funny stories about growing up.

He describes a scary incident from his childhood when he met a bully.

Leith seems to be a little scared by the story. Or perhaps he just thinks Uncle Laser is being a little too silly. He has undoubtedly heard this story before.

The crowd begins to scatter as some wander off to the refreshment table. Laser now must tell his stories one on one. I wonder if he got into the celebratory champagne before the ceremony?

Hmm, is brother Dexter laughing or upset? Is this his reaction to Laser's story? No one seems to be amused by what he is saying.

Estarr decided to head for the refreshments also. Look how gingerly she goes up those stairs. She is showing her age. She will soon be an elder too.

Lucy is finally ready to go but takes a moment to help little Brooke with the potty and put her down for her nap. She is officially Brooke's aunt now and enjoys doing things with the toddler.

The party continues with lots of food and festivity. Finally dusk slips down and it is time for the newlyweds to leave for their honeymoon. The guests wave goodby and depart for their homes.

In the now quiet house, Lester relaxes with yet another new girlfriend. Another of the Trollop girls, this one is Medora. Hmmm, wonder where she is from?

And yet another notch in Lester's belt. That makes 20 now. Only 10 more to go. Can he do it?

So where did everyone else go after the guests left? Leith conked out on the couch.

Spring and Alvin had gone out for a walk for a little romantic remembering of their own wedding.

Then Brooke woke up. She was quite able to get herself out of her crib and walked out to find everyone gone.

This prompted her to go on a hunt to find someone, anyone. It's scary to be only two and think you're in the house all alone.

Luckily mommy and daddy got back in the nick of time, before Brooke had to start howling.
All the Gen 3s are reaching adulthood. Whose wedding will be next? What surprises lie in wait for them? And for us? To find out stay tuned to All My SimChildren.
Next episode: Trash Town Legacy
You didn't take a picture of her climbing out of her crib? Or you just wrote that for the story?
Actually I don't remember if she got out by herself or not. But she was able to. And I don't remember anyone else being around. But I guess I would have to say I wrote it for the story. Since I have begun writing the blog I find myself very short of pics of important stuff at times and having to make up storyline reasons for the pics I did take. Once I start playing again I will be taking story pics as I go along.
I love the update, going to read more.
Aw, what a pretty wedding! Lucy will fit in well. And Brook is quite the cutie!
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