Chapter 23-Tranquil Times, Happy Families
Opalessa was going on 34 and had no significant other, nor did she appear to be interested in having one. Her romance with Travancor Pander had cooled though he still called her. But whenever he called she always had some excuse for not seeing him. She had lost her job as an executive chef, briefly tried her hand at business and was now in politics, though had no plans to stay with it. She really wanted to get back into restaurant work, but was just drifting for now. She enjoyed having Soressa as a roommate and visiting relatives to play with and care for their babies and toddlers. She always enjoyed that but was always glad she could leave when she got tired of it. However her greatest pleasure was obtained from giving parties. She had at least one every week, and oftener if she was not too tired. And she had lots of friends to invite to them too.

Soressa wasn't much for partying. She preferred the company of one man, Dorian Kauker.

As the months passed she saw more and more of him but any time he tried to bring up the subject of marriage she shied away.

She couldn't get her parents divorce out of her mind and was afraid to make a commitment for fear it would happen to her. Opalessa watched her torture herself for several months then finally had a serious talk with her about what she wanted from life. She pointed out that her parents' problems stemmed from her mother not going after what she truly wanted and marrying someone else instead. (Of course if Genesis had done differently Soressa would never have been born, but that was not the point.) Opalessa encouraged Soressa to make up her mind what she wanted and then go get it. With that encouragement and much serious thought, Soressa finally decided to accept Dorian's next proposal.

And they didn't waste any time getting married either. No fancy wedding for them, just a quiet ceremony at the Registry Office.

at #1 Lineage Way - home of Robi Charvat and second wife, Mabal Enabler
(last seen in chapter 17)
The years following Hester's death were quiet ones at the Charvat home. The only event of note was Sager's transition to teen.

He became quite a good-looking young man. And one of the very few that I think look good in this hairstyle.

He was a quiet, serious boy who was most interested in learning. Very much like his parents. But he did have a girlfriend of sorts, Cosetta Genester. Well, he considered her his best friend rather than a girlfriend. They had shared a few shy kisses though nothing more than that. But he enjoyed her company a whole lot and frequently visited at her house. Robi had had a serious talk with him about birds and bees and not doing anything you might be sorry for later. He had taken that very much to heart.
The Charvat home was finally completed, inside and out, even down to the landscaping. Robi was very proud of what they had accomplished.

These years were tranquil, happy ones for Genesis and her family also. Her fifth and last pregnancy came to fruition on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

And her labor quickly brought forth another son. With dad's green eyes and mom's black hair. He is named Frazer.

Big brother Jager thinks he is fine.

The Enablers have also completed their home inside and out and are quite pleased with it.

The whole family enjoyed gathering for dinner every evening and sharing their day.

A number of transitions occurred, both with and without celebrations. Loral transitioned to child in the bathroom after Daddy had shooed her away from playing in a clogged toilet.

And somehow she managed to consistently avoid the camera after that though she was a lovely child with nothing to be shy about.
A few months later it was time for Frazer to become a toddler

Hawer immediately set about teaching him to walk.

Two years later it was time for a double transition.
First Jager became a teen.

Surprisingly he looks very much like his uncle Lester. As much or more than Lester's own sons do. But then perhaps not surprising, since Genesis's features are just more feminine versions of Lester's.
Then it was Viggo's turn. He had invited one of his buddies and also his girlfriend, Iris Baxter. And she had brought her father along to meet Viggo since Viggo had been too shy to visit her at her home to meet her family.

He completed his transition to become an extremely handsome young man. (At least I think so cause he looks a whole lot like my son. LOL)

Genesis couldn't be happier. Her husband, Hawer, was devoted to her, and his nephew, Viggo, regarded her as a mother. She still worked as an assistant coach but fiound plenty of time to spend on family. Her three younger children were all healthy and happy. And she remained close to her two elder children. (She had managed to make up with Soressa after the messy breakup and divorce with Robi) She also enjoyed being the grandmother of three and looked forward to more grandchildren.
Christy's third pregnancy was a rough one and so was her labor.

But she managed to produce a healthy son without complications. They named him Shaddoc.

A year later he uneventfully transitioned to toddler

Followed by Branna's transition to teen. And she has finally gotten over her fear of the camera so we can see what a pretty girl she is.

Happy, uneventful years were the norm at the Carr household also, with the only excitement coming from transitions.
Baby Lynette was soon a toddler.

Less than a year later Joe transitioned to elder. But he seemed to be camera shy too. That was about the time that 15 year old Jody had her first kiss with her best friend Fester Copur.

But Fester was almost like a brother to her. They had been so close since she was a small child. You couldn't marry someone that was almost a brother, now could you? So she looked around for a real boyfriend. And she found one in a young man named Hunter Strahan.

Hunter was a nice boy and only 16, just a few months older than Jody. He was perfect. For now.
Two years later it was time for Lynette to transition again and she became a pretty little girl

Then it was Isolde's turn to become a teen.

Just quiet, happy uneventful years. What could go wrong in households as content as all these were? Stay tuned to All My SimChildren to find out.
Next episode: A Serpent in Eden
Hey! It is great to see that you are back! Finally haha. What kind of Video card do you have?
I have a GeForce 4 MMX 440 I think. Has 64 MB memory. Why?
Im shopping for one thats all.
Great pictures.
Wow, of all the transitions, Lynette would be the prettiest. And she looks just like her dad! But Frazer turned out really cute too. All of your sims are gorgeous!
Isolde and Branna are gorgeous
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