Chapter 18 - Shockwave part 4
at #1 Tradition Street - home of Genesis and Hawer Enabler (continued from chapter 9)
Genesis and Hawer wasted no time in arranging their wedding as soon as her divorce from Robi was final. They had no party but did invite family to witness. And they took plenty of pictures. However it did not go off as smoothly as Robi and Mabal's wedding did. First they had to delay the ceremony because it was time for Jager's first transition.

His red hair and green eyes seemed to kind of clash with his green skin.

But now he was able to watch with the grownups while the ceremony took place.

After the ceremony Genesis regaled Opalessa and Viggo with a funny story. At least Viggo thought it was funny. Opalessa seemed more shocked. Of course Viggo approved of everything that Genesis did. He didn't exactly have a crush on her, but he pretty much felt like she could walk on water.

A few weeks later, Genesis gave birth to a baby girl. She also had Hawer's green eyes, but Genesis's black hair.

Hawer got to be present this time too. He was again so thrilled when Genesis laid the newborn in his arms. They named her Loral.

The next year passed quietly and soon it was time for Loral to become a toddler.

And for Jager to enter childhood

Even though past 50 now, Genesis had inherited her mother's lengthy fertility. She and Hawer had not planned on another child but they weren't quite careful enough. Genesis was in the middle of her last pregnancy when Kester called to tell her that her mother was dead. Genesis didn't grieve as much as many others did. Though she had always been close to her mother, she carried a lot of secret resentment over the way that Hester had warned her away from Hawer. She felt she had lost out on a lot of happiness in her life because of that. But now that Hester was gone she was finally able to forgive.
at #2 Vintage Road - home of Platal Enabler, Hawer's sister and mother of Laser Genester and Viggo Enabler. (last seen in chapter 9)
Platal had continued seeing Travancor Pander. Yes, that man got around. Two Genester women (Hester and Opalessa) plus Platal and who knows who else. Well, he was after all a romance sim, so what could you expect? Platal didn't really care. As long as he was available. And he always was.

Of course eventually she wound up pregnant again, which just delighted her. Why, her twins were nearly teens. In fact, before her pregnancy was over, Leda and Lyra had their transition. First Lyra....

Then Leda.

They had thoroughly enjoyed dressing alike and wearing their hair alike as children. But now they wanted to stand out. Lyra, who was now a romance sim, chose a striking sun-streaked look for her hair.

While Leda, a knowledge sim, chose a practical, shaggy crop.

When the news of Hester Genester's death circulated through Trash Town, none of the family in this household were affected. They knew who she was but they weren't related to her. Platal had not kept the girls' father's identity secret from them, so they also knew that they were related to the younger Genesters. But they had not yet met any of them. Both the girls had sunny personalities so harbored no resentment of their rich relatives. They were too busy with their own lives. And they had never known want, thanks to their father's provision for them in his will.
at #5 Vintage Road - home of Christy Stratton and Brandon Lillard.
Christy had once had hopes of marrying Lester Genester but had finally given up on him. Brandon had been a longtime lover of Hester. Brandon and Christy had lived together for years without benefit of marriage and were pretty content that way. They had been only roommates at first, but with a romance sim like Brandon in your house, sharing a bed is only a matter of time. They had two children together and although Brandon had never been marriage-minded he did find he liked being a father, after their first child, Kristor, was born. When Christy became pregnant a second time, Brandon decided he wanted the child to have his name so he had actually proposed to Christy. He was totally amazed -and devastated-when she refused. How could any woman refuse someone as great as he was?

He just could not accept no for an answer so he began waging a campaign to win her consent. Not that he gave up his romancing of course. That would have been impossible. But he changed his image and started acting like any normal suburban family man.

Both their children had been quite precocious as infants, being able to walk and escape from their cribs before they were a year old

Brandon continued his family man charade for a couple of years but any time he brought up the topic of possible marriage, Christy changed the subject . Then one day Christy told him that she was pregnant again. That did it. With uncharacteristic humility he again asked her to marry him. In fact, he practically begged.

This time she accepted. He was thrilled that he had succeeded but still had an awful sinking feeling in his stomach at the thought of the commitment.

Christy didn't give him time to change his mind. She hied him off to the Registry office right away. Then told the kids when they got home from school. Their daughter Branna had started school a couple of years before. She was a quiet, shy child who always did her homework and loved helping with the housework. And avoided a camera like the plague. Oldest child, Kristor, had become a teen quite some time back and he was as unlike Branna as chalk and cheese. He was a romance sim like his father and was extremely outgoing, but he was different from his father in a major way. He liked boys better than girls.

After his first kiss with Geoffrey Gregory, he didn't waste any time going as far and fast as he could. And considering that Geoffrey was several years older than Kristor they became very close very fast.

Hester's death had small impact on Brandon. While she was a memorable woman, there were so many others in the world. Although he had found that his pretense of being a family man had had a strange effect of making him feel more and more like one. Not that he would ever give up his romancing of course.
at #9 Vintage Road - home of Joe and Trista Carr (last seen in chapter 13)
Trista was one of the last of Abhijeet's lovers. She and Joe had been no more than friends before Abhijeet's death. But with Abhijeet gone she had turned to Joe and they had soon had a little girl, Isolde. Joe already had an adopted daughter, Jody. (People speculated that she was a natural daughter that the mother had left with him. Why else would a single man adopt a child?) After Isolde's birth Joe had proposed and they had married and moved out of the Stratton household where they had lived for so long. They bought a lovely little home on the edge of town.

Here their daughter Isolde transitioned to childhood.

And Jody became a teen. Her first act after her transitioning was to set the kitchen on fire when she tried to fix supper.

Then Trista became pregnant again. Joe was thrilled. He was 57 and Trista was only 10 years younger. But he still had what it took.

Joe was Hester's first lover after Abhijeet. Though their relationship had ended years ago, his memories of her were still green. But he was happy and content in his life now and knew he would always have those memories so felt no loss when he heard of her passing. And he was totally surprised when he received a small bequest. He would use it for his daughters of course. It wasn't long after Hester's death that a new life entered the Carr family. Of course Trista went into labor in the middle of the night when she had gotten up to get something to eat.

So in the wee hours a third daughter was born to the Carrs. They named her Lynette.

Hester's death affected a great many people in many different ways and would continue to affect many of them for a long time to come. What further changes would occur in these families as the result of her life and death? Stay tuned to the continuing saga of All My SimChildren.
next episode: Shattered Lives
Wow , it is so hard to try to keep up LOL. Good how in the heck were those babies walking and climbing out of those cribs ? ;)
I have NO idea how you keep up with all of this stuff. Hehe. I got tired just reading about all of the different families you seem to be keeping track of with no problems. I'm JEALOUS of your ability!
I haven't played any of my families long enough to have to worry about how a death would affect the rest of the generations to come. Hehe.
Great updates.
I just read trough your entire blog as I only just bumped into it trough a link. Wow, what a story!
But how do you get babies to walk and teens to marry???
What? How? How did you get those babies to walk and climb out of their cribs?? And you have so many good looking sims in your houses and so many pretty babies!
Hi! I see you live in Arkansas! i was going to ask, is it nice over there?? How's the weather? Jobs, I saw houses are very cheap, $144,000 dollars for a single house that's not too shabby! My apartment caught fire in February and me and my husband thought about moving to Arkansas, so I'm just asking
Thanks :)
Oh by the way, if you wouldn't mind writing back to me, my e-mail is since my myspace account is messed up!
You are amazing for keeping track of all of your work. It's like a TV drama I'm addicting to.
P.S.:Most of the stuff that she does that you don't understand are mods
Shalom: I just found your blog. I am trying to do the same with my Sims. Keep up the good work.
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