Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Chapter 9 Divorce, two proposals and more births.

Genesis Genester-Charvat (gen 2-family-age 47) was living with her lover, Hawer Enabler (popularity - age 43, and his cousin Chader (popularity-age 38) and Chader's son Viggo. Genesis became pregnant shortly after moving in with Hawer. Despite her family orientation she had never wanted a third child in all her years of marriage to Robi Charvat yet as soon as she was with Hawer, that want popped up.

While she was waiting for the baby Genesis became fast friends with young Viggo and she replaced the mother who had never had time for him when he was little. (Viggo's mother was also the mother of Lester Genester's son, Laser, so Viggo was related to the family twice.) Finally the big day arrived and Genesis went into labor attended by Viggo and both men.

They were all thoroughly shocked when the baby was born GREEN like Genesis. Despite her color they were totally not expecting this. This is the 18th child in Gen 3 and the first to be born green, despite all of gen 2 being green. The baby had his mother's black eyes at first though they later changed to green like Hawer's.

Chader seemed more than just surprised at the green. He seemed disturbed and quickly left the room. Might he be a bit prejudiced? He hadn't been all that friendly with Genesis but had never been negative before.

Hawer lost his surprise quickly when Genesis placed his new son in his arms. He was filled with overwhelming awe and love. They decided on the name Jager for the baby.

In all the excitement of the birth, everyone forgot that Viggo was due for teen transition, even Viggo himself. It snuck up on him when he was doing his homework. He became quite a handsome young man (popularity).

Genesis immediately wanted to have yet another baby. In fact she decided she would like to have 10 children. Well, at her age that was not possible but she did manage to get pregnant again right away.

Hawer was SOOO thrilled with his son, he spent as much time with him as possible, just holding him. So he was all too willing to have another. He still regretted not being able to be part of his older son's life but perhaps now that he and Genesis were together he could get to know Kester. He had already met his grandson, Prester, while waiting for Jager to be born and could not get over the fact that he was a grandfather before he experienced the joys of fatherhood. In fact the whole family seemed to enjoy having a baby in the house. (Well, everyone but Chader. He just kind of ignored the whole thing, minding his own business.) Genesis was enjoying very much caring for the baby.

"Big Brother" Viggo also vied for time with Jager. He was very family oriented.

Even Aunt Opalessa came over to help out. It was such a novelty to finally have a green baby in the family.

The only fly in the ointment of their happiness was the fact that they could not marry and Jager was given the Charvat name. So before the next baby's arrival, Genesis wanted to get a divorce from Robi. She asked him over on a Saturday morning to arrange the matter. He arrived early as Hawer was going to work. He wanted to get a divorce as much as she did. But they couldn't agree on anything. They began to argue.

He became rather verbally abusive and reduced her to tears.

Viggo jumped to her defense and started insulting Robi.

When Robi responded to Viggo threateningly, Chader stepped in and told Robi he better leave right now if he knew what was good for him.

So Robi left. It took two further meetings before the legalities could be arranged satisfactorily for both but thankfully the divorce was final at last. Hawer wasted no time in proposing.

Robi Charvat (knowledge-age 40) and daughter Soressa (family-age 18) were living with Mabal Enabler (knowledge - age 44 and Chader's older sister) They had a son, Sager, who was born before Genesis and Robi split up. And it wasn't long after they moved in together that Mabal became pregnant again. Just a few months after Genesis did. Work on their house had proceeded slowly. The wall framing was not yet completed much less interior work, but with a toddler and another baby on the way a nursery was now a priority.

In due time Mabal went into labor and had a baby girl.

They christened her Korena.

The exterior work on the house was done just in time. All the walls up and three bedrooms, two baths and a small nursery. Lots of interior work still to do but Robi kept chipping away at it. Robi had finally been selected to replace Abhijeet as Mad Scientist. At only 40 he should hold that position for some time.

It was now time for Sager's second transition.

He became a pretty little boy.

When it was time for him to start school, Robi finally realized that the boy did not have his name and neither did little Korena. And they couldn't have as long as he and Mabal were not married. That prompted him to continue the divorce discussions despite the first disastrous meeting.

Finally they were able to iron out the details. Now Robi was free to propose to Mabal. He didn't love her like he did Genesis but he wanted to raise their children as a family.

Soressa had become reconciled to her parents' breakup in the years since it happened so was not further devastated by the divorce. She had even become friends with her little half brother and helped out with the new baby, though she still only tolerated Mabal. Being a family sim she couldn't help but enjoy being around little children. She had seen her mother a few times but had not yet met her new green half brother. She didn't have any boyfriend yet and was somewhat leery of getting into that kind of relationship after what happened with her parents. But her desires for a family of her own when she grew up overcame her hesitation. She met a good-looking boy at school named Geoffrey Gregory and they soon became friends. He often visited at her home (now that it wasn't embarassing to bring anyone into a construction site). And one day they experienced their first kiss.

And what of Viggo and Laser's mother, Platal Enabler? How was she managing with twin babies now that all the other family members had moved out? Well, Platal couldn't live without a man in her life and soon had a new boyfriend. This was Travancor Pander, another fine romance sim.

But she didn't feel limited to only one man. After all she was not married yet. Or even engaged.

And Platal didn't even need to go to work. She had applied for family assistance from Social Services. As long as she had children at home and was not married she would get a check every week. Well, toddlers grow quickly and soon it was time for the twins to transition.

The girls were not identical but they liked having the same haircut and often dressed alike. From their first day of school, they were always up, dressed and out of the house before their mother ever woke. And they could even help with the housework now. Not that housework was ever Platal's priority.

Leda and Lyra get ready for school

Will the weddings come off without problems? Will there be any more children for these middle-aged couples? Will Soressa be able to experience the joys of love or will her family history thwart her? Will Platal ever manage to get married or stay a single mother all her life?

Stay tuned for the next chapter of All My SimChildren.

Next episode: Zenith and Nadir


At 2:48 AM, Blogger j00ky said...

That divorce part was nicely done (as sad as divorces are). Love how the boys came to the Genesis' defence.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Very nice divorce indeed. She seemed happy to be divorced when she got the new proposal. Hehe.

And the twins grew up lovely! Congrats!

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

Wow, a lot of growing up in this chapter! And what cute twins those girls are. And I agree with the other two, that dicorce went as smooth as a divorce could go, but it was weird seeing Robi yelling at someone. =)


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