Chapter 2 - Fruitful Years Part Two - Gen 3 grows
It wasn't long after the honeymoon that Genesis told Robi that she was expecting. Robi was thrilled.

A few months later she gave birth to a baby girl whom she named Soressa

By that time Hester had completed the wedding portrait...

And Abhijeet had taken up painting also.

Three other events happened near the same time as Soressa's birth. Opalessa became a teen focusing on having lots of friends...

And Spring acquired two brothers. The elder was Field Cormier, son of Spring's mother Meadow. The other was Laser Enabler, son of Lester and his girlfriend Platal Enabler. (Who also happened to be the sister of Hawer and thus Opalessa and Kester's aunt. We're talking convoluted family tree here. And it's gonna get worse.)

Meanwhile, in the satellite homes, both Bertillis and Jeekobey reached school age. On Bertillis's first day of school, she brought a little boy home with her after school. It was her cousin Kester. He often came home with her after that and they became very close. She also on occasion brought Jeekobey home with her too.

Pendillis began emulating her parents by painting. There is a lot of talent in this family.

Being an educator made B.J. an expert at helping Bertillis with her homework

The Jitmakusol home had grown. Two bedrooms and two baths. Plus a small nursery, in case another child should happen along, though neither Korey nor Estarr were planning on it any time soon. Korey would have been perfectly happy with never. His son was wonderful but all he needed. Estarr was quite satisfied with the way things were also.

Half a year after Opalessa's transition, Spring had hers and knew that what she wanted most out of life was to have a family of her own. A stable, lasting family.

And at the Ryan-Genesters another girl was born. She was named Janeesis.

A year and a half after Spring, Kester finally became a teen. He wanted more than anything to learn all that he could.

And Soressa became a toddler. Kester seemed to enjoy being a big brother. At least he was no longer the youngest in the family.

Soressa was the darling of the family. Everyone doted on her and she thought she could get away with anything. And she was right. Even visitors to the house were thrilled with her beauty and charm

At Lester's home, he spent a lot of time practicing his speeches.

and practicing his romancing

However he no longer lived alone. Platal Enabler did such a poor job of caring for Laser that Social Services took him. As soon as Lester found out, he adopted the boy and was just as happy caring for him as he was with Spring. He still made a point of keeping his ties with Spring strong too.

Field and Janeesis also became toddlers.

The months rolled by and it was time for Soressa to begin school.

About this time Meadow and Ricky had another son whom they named Forest.

Busy with her home and family, Meadow had been seeing less and less of Spring as Spring grew older. As a consequence Spring became closer to her father. He called her nearly every day and had her at his house nearly every weekend. She was becoming close to her brother Laser too but had not even met Field and Forest.
The next year at Pendillis home was quite eventful. Bertillis became a teen of the romantic persuasion.

Janeesis began school

And Pendillis gave birth to twins surrounded by friends and family. A boy whom they named Chester and a girl named Vesta. B. J. was floating on a cloud. He was 58 years old, fast approaching retirement and was finally coming close to having a large family, something he had wanted all his life. He sometimes wondered why he had waited so late, but in his heart he knew the answer. He had just never met anyone he wanted to share his life with and have his children until he met Pendillis. It was just misfortune that he could not have met her sooner. B.J. was now a professor of history at the University and nearing retirement age, though it would be a long time till he could retire with a houseful of young children.

At Estarr's home a baby arrived also. Jeekobey was almost a teen and Estarr was nearly 40. She decided that if she were going to have another child it had best be now. She didn't think to talk it over with Korey first, assuming that he would feel the same way she did. She was wrong. Korey worried about it throughout the pregnancy. He was nearly 50, for Simonius' sake. Babies were for young people. He didn't think he could cope with all that again. By the time the baby arrived, Korey had worked himself into such a state that he had a nervous breakdown. While Estarr sailed through labor and delivery with no difficulty and no attendants, Korey collapsed on the floor diddling his lips. Emergency therapy was required. So much for the big, strong, military Commander. The baby was a girl who was named Bethesda.

During the years between Jeekobey's and Bethesda's births, the little house had grown into a substantial home.

Following Bethesda's birth, Korey's psychological condition remained unsettled. He found himself questioning everything he had based his life on up to that time. His best friend and fellow officer, Sterling Chun, was very supportive of him and Korey found himself becoming closer and closer to him. Soon they were enmeshed in an affair. Korey continued seeing his psychiatrist to help him sort out his conflicting feelings. He loved Estarr and his children but he loved Sterling too. What a dilemma. Estarr also was having her own midlife conflict. She had run into her old high school sweetheart at the restaurant where she worked and had talked with him several times since. Though the relationship was still just platonic, she was having thoughts.

Changes occurred at Lester's home also. Lester was 42 now and Laser became old enough for school...

And Spring moved in. Over the years she and Lester had grown quite close and she loved her little brother. While her relationship with Meadow had deteriorated. She couldn't help but feel that her mother just didn't want her after she married Ricky, especially since her mother had never even invited her to her new home. She loved her grandparents and they loved her but they were always busy and she often felt alone, despite all the people in the house. She never felt that way at Lester's even when she was the only one there. So she moved, with her grandparents' blessing. Spring decided she wanted to go into law enforcement after she graduated and had already gotten a job as a security guard. It was long hours with going to school too but she was still maintaining her A+ grades at the private school that Hester got her into a few years before.

Another of Lester's girlfriends had a child. Ivy Copur, a young woman from Trash Town that he met at the Romper Room, had been one of his steady girlfriends for several years. She finally got the idea that if she got pregnant, Lester would want to make the relationship more permanent. She was quite disappointed when he made it plain that he was not interested in marriage under any circumstances. But he did arrange to pay her medical bills and child support once the baby arrived. He was even willing to take the child if she did not want to keep it. But Ivy had a strong maternal streak even though not a family sim and she elected to keep her baby boy whom she named Fester. It was not the best environment for a baby. Ivy had several housemates to help pay the bills and they did not all get along well. There was lots of yelling and occasional fights. No special nursery for Fester either. His crib was in the bathroom. But since Ivy wanted the baby, there was nothing Lester could do except provide support and wait. And Ivy was still a much better mother than Platal Enabler had been a few years earlier.

Speaking of Platal, what has happened to her? Lester had made sure that Laser knew his mother and encouraged their relationship though he had nothing more to do with her himself. Platal couldn't exist without a man in her life, and there just didn't seem to be many available men around. So she seduced her cousin Chader. Since he was just a big, dumb lummox, it wasn't hard.

And she immediately got pregnant, which made her very happy. The required months later she had another boy. This one she named Viggo, after her favorite actor. Platal wasn't much better at caring for Viggo than she had been Laser, and Chader was no better. If it hadn't been for Hawer and Mabal pitching in, Social Services would probably have taken Viggo too.

Back at #1, Hester, 68, and Abhijeet, 64, were still going strong and romancing any one who would cooperate. Genesis, 37, remained in her sports career and had recently been voted Most Valuable Player in the league. Abhijeet convinced Robi that he should quit exterminating and become a scientist which he did. Still in his early 30's, Robi took the scientific world by storm and at this time had become the head of the science department at the University. He is likely to become Abhijeet's successor as Mad Scientist when Abhijeet finally retires (or dies).
This is a great blog, when I first came on, I didn't know how to read the story in order, but I've figured it out. Love it.
Awww, poor baby in the bathroom! There sure are some pretty interesting looking children with some unfortunate sunken in cheek bones! Great story so far!
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