Chapter 2 - Fruitful Years Part Three - Surprise Wedding
The next two years in Heritage were quiet ones. Adults went to work, improved their skills and got promotions. Children went to school, did their homework and grew. An occasional birthday or other party added a little spice to the even flow of life. Hester and Abhijeet continued their discreet romancing as did Lester. Advancing age had not slowed any of them down yet. Hester was now past 70 and Abhijeet was in his late 60's but both were still hale and hearty. Very hearty, as their increasing numbers of lovers proved. They were both still working but worked different days which made it easier for their romancing. And both still enjoyed painting.

At the Ryan-Genester home, the family celebrated the first birthday of the twins.

And at the Jitmakusol home there were also two birthdays. First Jeekobey became a teen.

Then Bethesda had her first birthday.

Over in Trash Town two babies had their first birthdays without any celebration. First Viggo Enabler, then Fester Copur, Lester's youngest son.

But at #1 Heritage Trail, drama was brewing. Kester Genester, age 16, and grandson of two romance sims, felt the stirrings of teen hormones and started noticing women. Especially that luscious maid who wore such a revealing uniform and was in the house every day.

Kester was a brilliant student and was in the fast track at the private school he attended. He planned to become a doctor and was already working as an EMT in the evenings after school. Between his job and his studies (he was already taking college level classes in a premed program) he didn't have a lot of time left over for socializing with girls his own age. And that maid was so.... accessible. Over the next months Kester flirted with her every chance he got. And she started dragging out her work hours to make sure she was still in the house when he got home. It was so nice to be getting all that attention, even if he was so very young. It made her feel so feminine.

Kaylynn had been working for the family a lot of years by this time. Since Kester was a baby, in fact. It had been a long time since her affair with Lester and even longer since the one with Abhijeet, a long time in which to wish for love and family. Despite the fact that Kester was less than half her age she found herself responding to his flirting. So one day when Kester got brave enough to steal a kiss, she did not rebuff him. Kester was astounded. He had fully expected to be shoved away.

Continued kissing in corners whenever he got the chance soon had Kester convinced he was deeply in love.

If Kester had been like his granddad or Uncle Lester he would have coaxed Kaylynn into the hottub or even his bed. But he was a totally different type. So he proposed instead. He had been saving his earnings from his job and bought an engagement ring which he offered her. Kaylynn didn't take two seconds to think about the age difference and how his family would respond. She said yes and leaped into his arms. Finally, after all those years, she would be a married woman. Kester briefly considered waiting until he graduated before they married. It wouldn't be that long anymore after all. But his desires nixed that idea. He wanted Kaylynn NOW. So they began planning their wedding. They could have sneaked off to the closest JP for a private ceremony, but Kaylynn had always dreamed of a formal wedding under the arch. And Kester was fine with that. He wanted everyone to know that he was proud to be marrying her. Well, everyone but his mother. He was pretty sure she would not be happy about it and he was right. So he arranged the ceremony for when Genesis would be at work and didn't say anything to anyone else until the last minute.
On the fateful day, Genesis left for work and Kester got busy. He called the family at home together and announced his plans, then called up the guests that he wanted to come. By the time everything was ready and the guests assembled it was nearly time for Genesis to get home. Finally the ceremony could begin.

By the end of the ceremony, Genesis had indeed arrived. She even quickly dressed for the occasion so as not to embarrass the family.

After the ceremony, Kester and Kaylynn posed for a wedding portrait at Hester's insistance. Hester had long ago decided that Kester would be her heir and she wanted this day recorded on canvas whether she approved of his bride or not.
Genesis waited around watching. She hadn't had a chance to speak to the happy couple yet. But she would. Though not as a couple. She would speak to them individually. She had some very choice words to say to Kaylynn especially.

Finally Genesis had her chance and really laid in to Kaylynn, telling her just what she thought of her. And she knows about Kaylynn's past affairs. The tongue-lashing left Kaylynn in tears.

Then Genesis had a little talk with Kester, berating him for marrying before he had completed school and most especially for marrying a woman nearly as old as herself. She ranted about being too young to be a grandmother, assuming that Kaylynn was already expecting, while on the other hand stating that Kaylynn was OLD enough to be a grandmother. Kester was at least able to deny that Kaylynn was already pregnant. (Though he hoped to take care of that quickly)
The day finally ended and Kester retired to his room with his new bride. They had to forego a honeymoon as Kester's savings didn't go quite that far and Kaylynn didn't have any savings at all. The rest of the famly retired also with conversations about the days events lasting long after bedtime.

Holey Cow! How did you get him to marry Kaylynn ? Or was he an adult dressed in that school uniform. Either way he sure likes the expierienced woman eh? LOL Fun ..Fun...Fun...
Yeah! How'd you get him to marry her! He was only a teen! *gasp*
But congrats!
Wow, poor Vesta! Yikes! And Jeekobey, he's a cutey. But I have to wonder too how you got him and Kaylynn married...
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