Chapter 1 - In the Beginning
On a certain day some years ago, on the planet Hrrmth, Birth Queen 12746 gave birth to her seventh clutch, which included a particular female infant.
That infant, along with her sibs, was raised in the Colony Creche, as all Hrrmthi are. When she attained her majority, she entered the competition to become a Birth Queen for the next generation as all young females do. And along with the majority, she failed the tests and was assigned to Worker status. But this female was not content to be just a worker and never experience "love", so she decided to leave the Hive. She had been assigned to one of the Pollination Teams, whose duty was to spread the race throughout the galaxy. When her team arrived at SimEarth, the young female "jumped ship". Hive Administration did not care if an occasional technician did this. They were still spreading their race. The female knew that she would need a Simmish-sounding name and chose the name Hester Genester.

She had a number of fine synthetic gems with her which she planned to sell to get the money to live on. At first she disguised herself with dark glasses and heavy makeup while she purchased a property in a sparsely populated rural neighborhood called Heritage and bought such necessities as she could not fabricate herself. Once on her property, she discarded her disguise and began building a tiny, one room hut which was all she had the money to do. As she worked, neighbors would occasionally walk past and gawk at the strange green-skinned woman before hurrying on. Eventually they became bolder and would stop to chat. One of the first to do this was a good-looking young man named Abhijeet Deppiesse. He was a scientist so perhaps was a little more accepting of strangeness than most people. He even began helping her with her building while they talked. Finally the little hut was done and Hester knew she would have to get some kind of job. Abhijeet helped her with that too. He was a friend of the Commander of the local Military Guard and convinced him to enroll Hester despite her odd coloring.

During the time they were working together, Hester and Abhijeet became quite close and both wished to be more than just friends. They found they both had the same dreams of romance and neither wished to marry. They agreed to live together and pursue their dreams in tandem. However, Hester's hut was barely big enough for one, much less two. Abhijeet had a solution for that problem too. He had enough savings to more than double the size of the hut and make it a nice little house.

A whole lotta lovin went on in that little house and it wasn't long before they were blessed with a son, whom they named Lester

Not long after that, a daughter, Estarr, arrived and another addition was needed on the house.

Soon Lester was old enough to start school and Hester was in the midst of her third pregnancy.

Hester delivered twin girls, Genesis and Pendillis and a second floor had to be added. There just wasn't room for 4 children in the kitchen any more. Bedrooms were needed.

By the time the twins were toddlers Estarr was old enough for school and both parents had had enough of babies so agreed on no more kids.

Hester and Abhijeet started concentrating on their careers and friendships and seeking other romantic attachments. Which was not easy considering how few people lived in the area. As the children began to reach their teens, it was evident that Lester would follow in his parents footsteps as a romance sim.

Right after Lester's transition it was decided that three girls in one small room was just too crowded so another bedroom was added to the house, as well as a new kitchen-dining area.

When Estarr transitioned she found that knowledge was her driving force as did Pendillis a few years later, while Genesis was focused on family.

Family affluence had grown and their home reflected it so they had little difficulty in being admitted to private school. All three of the girls as well as Lester had high school sweethearts and surprisingly it was Pendillis who was the first to have first kiss.

But as they approached graduation they found themselves attracted to older men. Estarr and Pendillis both chose academic men as their ideal and formed strong friendships with two of their headmasters. Pendillis went a little past friendship with B.J. Ryan in her senior year with the result that B.J. lost his job over just suspicion of what was going on. Lester, Estarr and Pendillis all became overachievers. Genesis couldn't have cared less about all that and never bothered to get a teen job. Lester was extremely outgoing and chose politics as his career. From toddler on, he was ambitious and a hard worker. By the time he graduated he was already well known in the political community and was appointed to State Assemblyperson, filling out a term for a deceased politician.

When Estarr graduated she kissed her highschool boyfriend, Chandler Platz, for the first time when she kissed him goodby. She had chosen culinary as her career track and wanted nothing more at that time than to advance in her chosen career. She aspired to be as famous as Julia Child some day.

When Pendillis and Genesis reached adulthood they were both ready to tackle the world. Genesis decided to get a job in the athletic career track even though what she wanted was to get married and have kids. She had seen how hard both her parents had worked all those years and figured she would need to do the same. Pendillis decided on a career in fashion.

Pendillis was the first to move out and the first to form a permanent attachment. Immediately after moving out she married her headmaster, B.J. Ryan, in a private ceremony. By this time B.J. had established himself at a new school though only as a teacher.

Estarr was the next to move out. She was so anxious to go that she had packed all her clothes the evening before and sent them ahead and when time to go she had nothing but her nightgown to wear. That didn't faze her though. As soon as she was settled in, Korey Jitmakusol moved in with her. He had left education and joined the
military as it paid better.

With her children leaving the family nest and old age approaching, Hester got a little desperate in the romance department. So many men, so little time left and so little opportunity. She finally managed to get her relationship with neighbor Hawer Enabler to the ignition point and had a tryst with him at Cooter's Romper Room, the local rendezvous spot. And wound up pregnant with a change of life baby, a little girl whom she named Opalessa. Abhijeet never questioned the pregnancy as their relationship had remained warm all this time. And both of them had lost their fear of having a baby once the others were grown. The fact that this baby had red hair was not remarkable even though all the others had black hair since Hester herself was redheaded. Once she was pregnant she broke off with Hawer and never told him that the baby was his.

Lester meanwhile was doing plenty of romancing of his own. He had had several girlfriends before inviting Meadow Thayer to move in with him. Since his parents were romance sims and had never married they had no objection to this. Meadow was soon pregnant and also had a baby girl, just a few months after Opalessa's birth. Meadow named her Spring and she was a little beauty.

After graduation and going to work, Genesis began spending a lot of time at the Romper Room meeting new people. She was looking for a man to fall in love with. She found one too. Hawer Enabler, her mother's ex-boyfriend although she didn't know about that relationship at the time . Continued dates finally resulted in Genesis becoming pregnant a year after Spring's birth. When she realized it she took Hawer home with her to meet her family as they wanted to get married. When Hester saw who he was she promptly put a stop to it by telling Genesis privately about Opalessa's true parentage and made Hawer out to be the worst sort of cad. And Genesis swallowed it and broke off with Hawer. In due time she gave birth to a beautiful little boy, whom she named Kester. So now there were three little ones in the house again.

Oooo you got your comments open...yay!
Looking forward to the next installment
More! More! More!
I like commenting. It gives people incentive to continue. ;O)
OMG that is so cool!!!!!! I love this legacy stuff!!!!!
I've beenwanting to read your blog, but I told myself I needed to catch up on mine first. So here I am beginning to read yours and loving it so far. I think I'm gonna get a little confused with the similar names, but I'll try to keep up. :)
It's December and I'm just starting to read your legacy. It looks as if I'm 8 months behind. Eek! Plus I'm commenting for each post so I can keep track of what I've read. =) Great so far and so many kids! Loved the family potty shot. hehe.
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